The BBC need to pull in some younger viewers. This looks like a YA female effort. They need it though with just one in five under 24 year olds using the BBC weekly. That is a demographic time bomb. Especially with 80% of the same demo having access to Netflix!
Princess Anne was one if no my favourite character in the last two seasons of the Crown mostly thanks to Erin’s performance. She totally deserved a lead role. Glad to see her in a character that looks her age!
They’re too young to take seriously (imo of course). They look like kids doing a youtube skit lambasting overly serious drama.
This looks awful. Like a skit which isn’t funny. Just poshos being posh.
Damnit, Chloe!
The BBC need to pull in some younger viewers. This looks like a YA female effort. They need it though with just one in five under 24 year olds using the BBC weekly. That is a demographic time bomb. Especially with 80% of the same demo having access to Netflix!
Princess Anne was one if no my favourite character in the last two seasons of the Crown mostly thanks to Erin’s performance. She totally deserved a lead role. Glad to see her in a character that looks her age!