May 8, 2022 by AlexTonarini [ad_1] Imagine seeing this after you die [ad_2] View Reddit by AlexTonarini – View Source
Where’s the “Give up” option? Cause that’s definetly what i would choose. May 8, 2022 at 5:32 pm Reply
I’d prefer a New Game +
“Insert Coin” would be worse.
Where’s the quit to menu option?
Spectator mode would make sense
Need to just press the power button
Save and go play something else.
_]=/ Disconnected from server.
Submit bug report! Submit bug report!
Why is there a save option after death?
Yes I’d like to continue being torn up by a pack of hyenas
and when you click the continue, you wake up after coma
Save? I am pretty sure there should be load there
Is there a power cord I can unplug somewhere?
I want a peacefull mode pleaseee
where is exit?
Is this Lakeview Valley?
This level sucks. Why would I want to try it again?
As long as it’s still an 8 bit world when i respawn!
No “Quit”… fuck
Where’s the “Give up” option?
Cause that’s definetly what i would choose.
Where is “Quit and uninstall”?
Why is “quit” not an option?
I want to see “Exit to Main Menu”
Would be a shitty time to save.
When was the last check point??
Has no one here ever played the original Zelda?
I expected the Dark Souls “You died”
Imagine if it showed how many deaths your at.