We are quite possibly witnessing the greatest freestyler of his generation
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We are quite possibly witnessing the greatest freestyler of his generation
View Reddit by ieraaa – View Source
Wow that’s some serious skill there, truly awesome.
I’ll comment just because I want more people to feel the joy of experiencing Harry Mack’s freestyles. Hopefully this video makes the rounds.
Damn just watched the Soulja boy session!
Can’t get enough of H Mack. I love the way he breaks it down and manages to sound Original just about the entire time
Really shocked this guy hasn’t broken through yet and blown up like he deserves
Harry Mack is a national treasure. Dude is crazy talented and wholesomeness is next level.
In his normal voice at the end, he speaks like Will Smith
Never heard H Mack flow before. Mind blown and time to binge!!!
I remember the first Harry Mack video I saw, he was on a boardwalk getting suggestions from people walking by. At first I thought he was just a wannabe, but damn he impressed me. Now I know what to expect and he still blows me away. The guy is fucking talented and very skilled in his craft.
This guy has the rap-equivalent of synesthesia.
this is insane
I’ve watched all his Omegle Bars and I swear, every one is gold standard.
I don’t like rap/freestyle most of time, but Harry Mack is so good that I usually watch most of his videos…
My mate was showing me this dude last week. Blew my stoned mind. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
At one point one of his Omegle chat partners was a French stoner playing a didgeridoo. His 3 words to rap with was just a play by play of his standard day, punctuated by joints. Shit had me in stitches
quite possibly? Sorry Harry Mack is the best freestyler of all time.
harry mack isnt the best freestyle rapper. he’s beyond it. at this point the man is performing a skill daily that no other human on earth possesses. and people still dont know his name smh
also this vid is not his best, but still mindblowing nonetheless
Ahh! Love him. My husband got me a custom freestyle for my birthday lol
I’ve seen some of his stuff but this flow was next level, goddamn. I mean, the beat goes hard af too, but his cadence switchups and intra-bar rhymes here were stupid fire
> “of his generation”
Is there one better in some other generation? o.O The dude is a savant.
I really don’t understand how people can not only think of stuff like this on the fly, but also articulate it. Sometimes I stumble over my own name…
[Harry Mack and Loop Daddy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggLpFa6CQyU)
Love Harry! The first clip in [Omegle Bars 19]( https://youtu.be/EWThDBgYj9U) is my favorite. She allows him to start rapping and kinda sarcastically starts miming (??) but by the end she is totally blown away. You can see the exact moment at 3:39 where her body languages flips and realizes how good he is!
This is him and marc rebillet: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggLpFa6CQyU&t=3525s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiLOR0dMT5g)
How the fuck can people do this? Is this a skill you can train? I mean, first you’d need dictionary-level vernacular. But then what? You just spend all day trying to speak in rhymes so your brain adjusts or something? I just can’t understand how it’s done. It’s mind blowing.
Honestly who cares about ranking them. If you can appreciate freestyle AT ALL, gotta check this man out
My favorite videos are his guerrilla bars and collab with Marcus Veltri.
I love Harry Mack, but check out Chris Turner for comparison! I listen to both of them, they are both so incredibly good.
You can listen to like 50 something of these Omegle bars videos and every single one is worth watching. And then he has the guerilla bars where he just goes out to big cities or to the beach and forms crowds. He’s not just “possibly” the best freestyler right now, he *is* the best and there’s no question. I don’t know if there’s actually been anyone better and that’s no exaggeration
Until another rapper does a 10 hour freestyle, Harry Mack is the undisputed freestyle goat
Harry Mack is the happy version of Eminem. Best successes.
This is the sort of thing where I’d say it’s impossible if I didn’t actually see it happening.
i can easily subscribe to that statement
he is the best
Possibly the greatest of all time.
dude just radiates positivity, breath of fresh air compared to most rap
He is simply amazing. I love every one of his videos I’ve seen.