May 6, 2022 by fmintar1 [ad_1] Local brands Local brands from funny [ad_2] View Reddit by fmintar1 – View Source
Hmm, do the customers prefer Club Cola or Chat Cola? And if they do, will Chat Cola produce counterfeit Club Cola? May 6, 2022 at 8:18 am Reply
Personal Favorite? The Knock-Off Mountain Dew in my area was called “Valley Mist” Clever. May 6, 2022 at 9:55 am Reply
“Macho Dew” (From the makers of “Booty Sweat”) (NSFW) May 6, 2022 at 10:19 am Reply
I bet they don’t have a manager, only assistant manager 😉 Shout out to RDC world May 6, 2022 at 11:18 am Reply
Why do people make videos with an annoying laugh overtop of it? It instantly ruins a video for me. May 6, 2022 at 11:57 am Reply
I feel like I just walked into a cartoon. Does the room phone begin, “555-…” May 6, 2022 at 12:23 pm Reply
When I am elected president of the Internet, I will make it illegal to overdub laughing. May 6, 2022 at 1:15 pm Reply
Can’t stop laughing at that. Nice one
How much is the Sight $$ ?
those all seem like they’d be risky to drink. Clearly unregulated.
What flavour is macho dew?
Macho Dew
Hmm, do the customers prefer Club Cola or Chat Cola? And if they do, will Chat Cola produce counterfeit Club Cola?
I feel like I’m in Lidl or Aldi
As a Sydney-sider, “Chat Cola” is fucking hilarious
Monsoon dew memes jack take a taste
I’m all jacked up on macho dew!!!
Where’s my mango Reinhardt?
Monsoon dew sounds refreshing as fuck
Personal Favorite?
The Knock-Off Mountain Dew in my area was called “Valley Mist”
I can’t believe it’s not Cola.
Prop sodas?
oi homie give my man some macho dew cuz
“Macho Dew” (From the makers of “Booty Sweat”)
To be fair, some cheap brands taste better than Diet Coke.
looks like Mexican market soda
Chad Cola
I preferred New Club Cola
Franks fluids? Makers of wolf cola and fight milk?
Mom: We have coca cola at home.
I could go for some Sight right now.
I bet they don’t have a manager, only assistant manager 😉
Shout out to RDC world
Russian stores in 2023 be like:
Cold cola at least you get what you want!
I hate the fake wheezing laugh.
If they renamed that one to Chad cola it would be very popular
Why do people make videos with an annoying laugh overtop of it? It instantly ruins a video for me.
What’s actually in that…
Where is this filmed? Asking for a friend
Can we ban the laughter tracks?
I feel like I just walked into a cartoon. Does the room phone begin, “555-…”
okay, can you fucks stop putting that stupid laugh over your videos?
Fucked up in the crib drinkin Macho Dew
What? No Wolf Cola?
“Moutain view” is better or “Sprint”
Wonder how they make Macho Dew..
When I am elected president of the Internet, I will make it illegal to overdub laughing.
Whoa a wild Nepali post on the front page!
I like the name macho dew better
Sight is the shit
Only in 🇳🇵 🇳🇵