The final piece of concept art you unlock after getting 100% in Arkham Knight.
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The final piece of concept art you unlock after getting 100% in Arkham Knight.
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I always wondered about this. Has Batman become a vampire now? We know he isn’t dead.
I might have to do soemthing with some of these. There were a few concept pics from AC that I really loved and would have loved to turn into poster prints for my wall. There was one in particular of Batman standing on a roof just looking down on a street where some thugs were hanging out. I loved that one.
Lots of phenomenal pictures in this game,lots of things I‘d love to turn into a print for myself. Thank you so much for this album.
Remnds me of the Hellbat suit
i never saw the end of the game. stupid riddler
I have that concept art and didn’t get 100%
Nobody even mentioning Batman beyond