Of course it’s Mulaney and Samberg. This is gonna be one of those movies that’s so perfectly stupid it’ll work. It might not be good, but people will like it.
This is going to be another one of those weird nostalgia bait movies crammed full of references for the parents of the kids that are the actual audience.
I was about 3-4 when the show dropped and have shown my kids the original on D+, so I guess I’m their exact perfect target. I’m not sure how many people are clamouring for something like this though?
Still, if Mulaney and Samberg are their usual selves and it’s better than garbage like Alvin, it’s probably going to be a fun time.
Looks fake. Why is one chipmunk hand drawn and the other CGI?
meta filmmaking sucks
Oh, next month? I am not mentally prepared for however this is going to turn out
Chip ‘n Dale*
It’s written on your own post.
Why is Chip “traditional” animation and Dale cgi?
Why does this give me Shaun of the Dead vibes?
I like the mix of animation styles.
Terrible tagline.
Of course it’s Mulaney and Samberg. This is gonna be one of those movies that’s so perfectly stupid it’ll work. It might not be good, but people will like it.
#don’t call it a comeback
Trailer link for the curious. It looks hilarious and is very meta. I cant wait.
Ah yes, the good old nostalgia milking.
So which one is trans?
Nostalgia rehash. Wee.
Nah that poster fake af.
The poster looks off. Maybe its the 2D-3D thing not going well together.
This could be good for all the wrong reasons
Ch ch ch ch chip and daaaaale, rescue rangers
Why is one a cartoon and the other is CGI
Please have Gadget in it. Was randomly remembering her past few days before seeing or hearing or reading anything about Chip n Dale or her.
pure trash. looks like garbage. could’ve been so cool.
This poster does not inspire confidence
Why do they look like they were animated by two different artists?
Oh god
This is going to be another one of those weird nostalgia bait movies crammed full of references for the parents of the kids that are the actual audience.
I was about 3-4 when the show dropped and have shown my kids the original on D+, so I guess I’m their exact perfect target. I’m not sure how many people are clamouring for something like this though?
Still, if Mulaney and Samberg are their usual selves and it’s better than garbage like Alvin, it’s probably going to be a fun time.
Missed Chip ‘n Dale from my childhood.
Funnily enough the band I’m in covered the original opening theme before we knew it was being remade.
Makes me want to load up [Chip ‘n Dales MMORPG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt9aKgVKNww).
Im gonna need gadget to have some cgi surgery done..for… reasons.. lol
[I animated this poster into a gif](https://i.imgur.com/az4SvKp.gifv)
Not too happy with Disney right now but absolutely love how this was casted.