Mothers said she threw out or gave away my N64 years ago..cleaned out her attic andd what..a..nice..suprise!
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Mothers said she threw out or gave away my N64 years ago..cleaned out her attic andd what..a..nice..suprise!
View Reddit by headwig123 – View Source
Jelly! Enjoy
Wow my mom never bought me anything that expensive and still threw most my stuff away.
God I miss nfl blitz
There’s treasure everywhere !
This makes me so jealous its annoying. Hope it still works.
Zelda and the star wars games
oh shit! shit happened to me. Instead of throwing it away, she sent to my cousins at a different country lol this was years ago, but I recently talked to them. They still have my ps1 and n64
Oh man I miss podracer
My dad found my grandfather’s bicycle while cleaning the attic last week.
Ok this is weird AS FUCK! My mother just packed up all our old N64 stuff and gave it to me, in almost the exact same old ass suit case! Seriously so weird
Nice, lots of great games in that briefcase. Enjoy!
No mercy was the best wrestling game ever made
Already packed and ready to go.
1/? collection found .
? Remaining .
Now you need a CRT tv to play them right
Hey! Winning, congrats to you.
Damn. My copy of NFL Blitz also has a ripped off barcode… because I also bought it used from Blockbuster. Did we just become best friends?
Plot twist: corroded parts due to humidity!
Does it still work?
That luggage tag brings back memories. Neutral ones. My parents bags had those tags.
Star fox was great!
Zelda, Blitz 2000, Star Wars, and StarFox! You and I could be friends.
I love that Smash Bros cart is still inserted into the console. Idk why but that makes me smile.
Smash Bros primed and ready to go. Excellence.
Am I the only person that had to move like once a year growing up, and lose all of my childhood possessions multiple times in fires, evictions, etc.? This level of stability is so alien to me.
Holy fuck. I used to keep my n64 in a green version of THAT exact suitcase
That’s a nice vintage American Tourister