That scream laugh is one of the most goddamn annoying laughs on the planet. Anytime Ive heard it used it’s been to try to egg others on to start laughing too. Ive never seen the laugh be used in such an unfunny moment before that the laugh sticks out more then the situation.
Some of you talking shit about the strength of these guys. They already don’t want to deal with this. They have to try and get this woman out from this really awkward space. Table is right there, they’re standing on a coach, trying to lift her out at an angle. Both are leaning over it trying to lift a, more on the “thick” side, woman. They have to be careful not to touch her butt or waist trying to get her out. They also don’t want to accidentally smash her legs on this table. Hell, she doesn’t even look like she’s trying, on her end, to get out until the very end.
These guys clearly aren’t following protocol. Haven’t they seen all the tutorial videos on the internet about how to get a girl unstuck from a washing machine/table/couch?
I don’t get paid enough to do that
Shes being deliberately goofy like a kid. Fuckin annoying.
Alright where’s the first half of this video. How the fuck did they get down in there in the first place.
For the first few seconds, I thought she was kissing the Blarney Stone.
They better leave a nice tip.
mor like alcohol is a heartless bitch
Ah Newcastle. Never change
That scream laugh is one of the most goddamn annoying laughs on the planet. Anytime Ive heard it used it’s been to try to egg others on to start laughing too. Ive never seen the laugh be used in such an unfunny moment before that the laugh sticks out more then the situation.
It’s reversed..
Reminds me of Nutty Putty Cave <*shudder*>
I immediately thought of a friend who this would happen to. We all have one.
Of course they’re Geordies…
Mention of “Got the jacket in her hands when she comes up.” Also, alcohol.
Might explain the “how.”
What accent is this?
They better got a big tip
Some of you talking shit about the strength of these guys. They already don’t want to deal with this. They have to try and get this woman out from this really awkward space. Table is right there, they’re standing on a coach, trying to lift her out at an angle. Both are leaning over it trying to lift a, more on the “thick” side, woman. They have to be careful not to touch her butt or waist trying to get her out. They also don’t want to accidentally smash her legs on this table. Hell, she doesn’t even look like she’s trying, on her end, to get out until the very end.
Some of y’all have never yanked someone stuck behind a booth up by the legs before, and it shows.
No video deserved a reverse more
Not wearing a skirt that day might be the smartest thing she has ever done.
I like how at 0:44 the person filming decided to save the shots haha.
Used to be they just clapped and sang Happy Birthday
[Here you go…](
Even without un-muting, I could just tell this was GB/UK.
Plot Twist: it’s her Bachelorette party and they should be the strippers.
That looks like my mom back there goddammit.
All I know is those dudes definitely aren’t getting paid enough for this lol
This is my worst nightmare, a bunch of drunk middle aged women doing drunk middle aged women shit.
Of course they’re British.
no one thinks to move the drinks out of the way?
I would have loved it if the guy fell back and got stuck while getting the jacket
These guys clearly aren’t following protocol. Haven’t they seen all the tutorial videos on the internet about how to get a girl unstuck from a washing machine/table/couch?
I’d like to see this reversed and have the two gents in black trying to stuff her behind the seat.
“You know what mate, I think I’m gonna go back to Uni.” – Waiter.
And that’s how I met your mother
Even without sound I can *see* their accents
Oh alcohol
What is going on here?
This is why most places seal the corner seats. It is exactly for this reason.
10 out of 10 would pull out again
POV: You are in the comment section looking for context as to how she got like that in the first place.
She looks like she’s having a good time.
Glad to see all the smiles from everyone.
These kind of movies usually turn out way way different on other platforms.
Good thing her step brother didn’t happen along just then.