Monday, March 17All That Matters

Leonard Nemoy Explains the Origin of the “Vulcan Neck Pinch” in Star Trek

1 Comment

  • Stealth posting Major Grin I see.

    Anyway, fun anecdote, and yes it does get to how TOS and Discovery had fundamentally different approaches to the character and action in general, but the snippet at the end is what gets to me. There, Burnham argues that preemptively attacking a Klingon ship would lead to peace which has… always kind of baffled me? Like if a Klingon came across an alien ship he’d never seen before and that alien ship immediately powers up its weapons, is that really going to make him *not* want to fight? Shouldn’t that make him want to fight a hell of a lot more? “Look at me, I get to be the first Klingon warrior to kill one of these aliens!” Seems like something they’d love to boast about.

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