Met Nolan north and Charles martinet today at Indiana comic con and they are both super nice
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Met Nolan north and Charles martinet today at Indiana comic con and they are both super nice
View Reddit by ozthewizard53 – View Source
Niceeeeeee score šš½š
Did you meet the guy who got his switch signed?
That makes me happy to hear!!! I met Charles and got his autograph as a surprise for my bro years back and he was super nice. Meeting Nolan North next month and Iām nervous as heck because I admire him so much. ;_;
Did they sign the plastic or the insert?
Got Nolan to sign my PS4 a few years back. Getting Troy Baker to sign right below Nolan next week. Going to see both of them at the Con for sure
Why would you get them to sign uncharted three? Why not two, or one, or four? WHY THREE?!