It finally happened – the great Boop (every Lucio’s dream: pushing the entire enemy team off of the map)
It finally happened – the great Boop (every Lucio’s dream: pushing the entire enemy team off of the map) from gaming
View Reddit by BigBonedBobby – View Source
Damn dude!
Thanks my brother now.. now I rest in peace
Wow well done sir, well done
We are not worthy of seeing this
Based god
Daily reminder that Activision Blizzard sucks
Very nice feeling haha
Ngl I have 200+ hours on Lucio and have never done that
wow. rare team comp where literally none of them were capable of surviving being thrown off the map.
I haven’t played/thought much about overwatch in like six years probably but that will always be satisfying to see, every time
Nice boop
It has been a full 6 years and people are still posting the same 6 man boops from the same bridge in OW.
This game still exists?
I bet you lost the match due angry teammates.
Jokes apart, that was soo satisfying
I didn’t know you could play this on a GameBoy Advance…
The great potato boop
Wow, that’s amazing! There really *are* still people playing Overwatch!
“MOM! Mom get the camera!”
I’m sure you already have it, but whenever I know I’ve booped someone off the map, I instinctively walk ride. It’s just become a natural thing for me in my quest for floor is lava. I still do it even though I have the achievement
Isn’t this an old clip? Feel like I’ve seen this before
It’s so weird how old this game feels compared to even older games.
Retire now, you’ll never top this
Should have done a wall ride
No tbag or emote? Boo
Thanks for the love everyone. Sorry about the quality, I had to make it into a gif to post it here. The original clip is in r/overwatch. I don’t have the floor is lava. Hearing about it afterward hurts, but I’m still happy this happened. I didn’t dance or spray cause I was so caught off guard. It was the gaming chair. I am retiring until OW2.
Thanks again friends
Lucio is such a fun character. I remember when I got my first boop kill can’t even imagine getting 6 in 1
i need to see this in full HD lol
Haha that’s amazing. I can’t help but bring up the irony, which is, in these kinds of games, that can often lead to a loss. Its usually better to kill the enemy one by one to keep it a steady ‘5 vs. 2-4’ fight, so that you always have the upper hand in firepower during conflict. When someone does a team wipe, that means the enemy comes back as a complete group and its an even fight again, which you might end up losing and pushed into that same difficult situation. I really wish you weren’t ‘punished’ like that for pulling off the almost-impossible. Part of why I quit playing Overwatch. The highs were always shredded by that realization.
I miss when overwatch was fresh, goofy, and plays like this happened often
Do people still play Overwatch? Havent heard or seen people play it recently and the Pro league is pretty dead no?