Jon Rahm skips the ball across the pond for the hole-in-one!
Jon Rahm skips the ball across the pond for the hole-in-one! from sports
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Jon Rahm skips the ball across the pond for the hole-in-one!
Jon Rahm skips the ball across the pond for the hole-in-one! from sports
View Reddit by onetimeoneplace – View Source
That doesn’t look like the T box
Since when did golf become fun to watch?
I like how Jon cleans his club off with the towel, gives it to the caddy, who immediately puts it in the ground.
Fucking unreal. Straight magical shot. Wow.
It’s a shame there’s no crowd because I would’ve gone fucking bananas if I made that shot
I would have had to do the Shooter McGavin after that one.
Yes this isnt technically a hole in one. This is number 16 at Augusta and he is hitting from just in front of the water hazard. [This is a tradition for guys to do during practice rounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLzX62nXPTo)
How is this even possible?!!
He also made a Hole in 1 yesterday on hole #4 on his practise round. Back to back hole in 1s at Augusta.
The way the cameraman slowly panned back to him, you could tell even he was like, “did you just see that shit?”
“IT IS ALIVE” -Bill fucking Murray
“Just like I planned it.”
I can do that but I don’t want to
No way it’s real, definitely reversed
Okay this is so far beyond the point the unbelievable that I’m convinced we’re in a simulation and something was controlling that shot… I mean the amount of variables for that to happen I can’t even begin to think
Crazy that he is not the [first](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLzX62nXPTo&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=tomherbbarbhertz)
that’s absolutely insane. I’ve never seen anything like that
Her: come over
Him: I can’t I’m playing golf
Her: nobody’s home
Him: let me sink this real fast.
Great shot, but I have to say, the camera work was just as good