Every scene in The Lord of the Rings where two women interact
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Every scene in The Lord of the Rings where two women interact
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Tolkien didn’t write many female characters as he was very worried about appropriating women’s lived experience.
This is so funny
The bechdel test!
Well to be fair, Legolas only speaks to Frodo once, 3 words, in the entire movie as well, and that is ‘And my bow’, you can argue that even that is barely an interaction, as Frodo doesnt respond.
To be fair, there’s only like three female characters in the whole trilogy (Eowyn, Arwen, and Gimli)
Yes! Before it played that was the only one I could think of. Huzzahhh
God, *that* dragged on and on…
And Tolkien wrote the character Eowyn who hates being chained to her role as a woman of the house and by rebelling against that role saves the day from one of the biggest baddies in the story.
What’s more, all the prominent female characters are greatly expanded from their roles in the books. Except Galadriel I guess, she’s about the same if I recall correctly.
And this is why the Lord of the Rings trilogy is the greatest
She broke her toe in this scene btw
Worst scene in the trilogy if you ask me.
What about where the mother puts that girl on the horse with her brother, but the girl says back “But Mama this horse is too big for us”
Bechdel Test Movie Test
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
Freda and Eowyn
2. Who talk to each other
they do
3. About something besides a man
“Where is momma”
Confirmed pass.
I can’t tell you if women interact in LOTR, I’m not a biologist
If not for The Royal Tenenbaums, this could potentially be longer than all of Wes Anderson’s movies combined. I absolutely love his work, but someone did point out to me awhile back ago that his films are extremely male-driven. Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing, but this clip reminded me of that.
And yet it’s a great film. It’s almost as if these Hollywood quotas have nothing to do with film quality.
Tolkien spent his formative years in an all male circle at Oxford and the trenches during World War 1. It’s not necessarily odd or sexist that a guy from the turn of the century didn’t have many lady characters, in fact I think the few portrayals of women in his books were positive and powerful representations. The characters themselves just aren’t focused on long enough to become super well rounded. Compared to that bullshit sexist writing in Wheel of Time, Tolkien was progressive af. ESPECIALLY considering the time period he came from.
Edit: you can downvote me, but this exact same sentiment was upvoted in an anti-Tolkien rant on the feminism sub. In other words, “boo me, I’m still right”.
What even is a woman?
This is inaccurate. There’s also the part where when they arrive at Helms Deep a woman says to Eowyn “M’lady, we’re saved!” Or something like that.
He already created a whole new language with Elvish, you can’t really expect him to portray and understand how females speak to one another surely?
There are two options:
1. You can try to rewrite history and literature.
2. You can make new literature/history now where women have bigger impact on events.
So that’s why it’s such a great movie.
Hey…it passes the Bechdel test
The takeaway here is that you can make the greatest trilogy of all time without two women speaking to each other
And yet they’re the films of all time how curious
damn…dudes rock.