Evolution of the Dunmer throughout the Elder Scrolls games
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Evolution of the Dunmer throughout the Elder Scrolls games
View Reddit by Affectionate_Fox_288 – View Source
*you n’wah!*
well, everyones face looks like that in oblivion, its half of the charm
You leave my potato faced babies alone
Look, in oblivion, everyone took really good care of their skin, that’s all
Morrowind was my first Elder Scrolls game, Dunmer has been my favorite race ever since haha.
Even with the horrible skin textures, I still love Oblivion. Cyrodiil was so much cooler to explore than Skyrim.
Wish they’d bring back the raspy voice they had in morrowind. Every elf sounded the same in oblivion, and Skyrim’s wasn’t terrible, but Morrowinds sounded cooler
All I want is my hand to hand skill tree back
Why do khajiit lick their butts? To get the taste of khajiit cooking out of their mouths!
Listen man I like Oblivion, but what in gods name was bethesda thinking with their character designs? Any elf looks atrocious.
I know people love to make fun of the ever changing character design but I’ve always wondered why the dunmer accent evolved the way it did. First it started with the hoarse and raspy “n’wah” voice, then in oblivion it was an American dude trying to do an English accent and then finally in Skyrim it went full English.
It’s always funny how Elder Scrolls Online doesn’t count.
I’m confused. I thought the dunmer were the dwarves? Or is that the dwenemer? Or however it’s spelled?
tbh skyrim is the worst though
it is very hard to differentiate the race from a distance
morrowind didnthe best
oblivion blurred
skyrim is everyone is a human
I don’t like the dunmer of Skyrim. But I’m also a Morroboomer sooo.
All hail Saint Jiub!
First big HD game by them, they had colors too bloom-y. A lot of stuff was miscolored.
Never any love for [Daggerfall](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/d/d0/Daggerfall_-_Dark_Elves.png/revision/latest?cb=20191219023522)! SMDH…
Morrowind: Dunmer oppressed by both the empire and their own people in their own land, under constant fear of a spooky doomsday cult and a volcano that looks like it’s ready to explode.
Skyrim: Dunmer oppressed by racists in a country that hates them. It’s cold, it’s dangerous, the racists started a civil war with the empire (your oppressor) and let the thalmor in (your oppressor), and now of all things the dragons are back and are threatening to literally eat the world.
Oblivion: Dunmer living in the very center of the empire, a multicultural society, coexisting with the empire instead of being oppressed by it, the only real threat is a daedric prince, and Dunmer worship daedra anyway.
Clearly the reason Dunmer (and everyone else for that matter) looks so damn silly and happy in Oblivion it’s because they *are*. Cyrodiil is the best country.
Morrowind: Smoking a pack a day since birth.
Oblivion: oh, hi lovely, my wife’s boyfriend is downstairs
Skyrim: a you avin a giggle? I’ll bash your fookin ead in, mate, you takin the piss?
Always loved the weird skin cheek coloring everyone had going on in Oblivion.
Dude Oblivion was way better than Skyrim IMO.
As time goes on, I’ve come to appreciate how all the elves in Elder Scrolls look like fucked up aliens. Weird and angular.
Like, if I was playing Endless Space or something and the diplomacy screen popped up and I saw an Altmer, I’d believe it.
You N’Wah
is that jerma
I still like the description that in Oblivion, the elves look like Santa’s little helpers