Saturday, February 15All That Matters

A game does not need to be a challenge every second of gameplay to be good, Kirby has been a blast so far!


A game does not need to be a challenge every second of gameplay to be good, Kirby has been a blast so far!


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  • It’s pretty good, I’m usually hard on Kirby because unless it’s Super Star I feel like flatlining when I’m playing Kirby but this new one is a treat because it’s not necessarily the challenge that really makes the game fun but it’s more discovering and finding things in every nook and cranny. It’s been a blast

  • Some games are meant to be more casual than challenging. Kirby is meant to be casual (i have no idea, never played) while elden is challenging. These modes do not need to cater to a different audience

  • > *More waxing “poetic” about games being hard or easy and what that should mean for people.

    I’m almost ready for EA=BAD memes at this point fellas. How many posts each day are we gonna have about game difficulty and how it’s OK to just game™?

  • I felt like LittleBigPlanet was a pretty easy game, but I enjoyed all three. Same with Kirby games, they may be easy, but they’re just so much fun to play

  • Kirby *IS* the hard mode.

    No one can beat kirby. He’s only a fraction of an ancient horror.

    If you so happen to be on the other side of his mouth… you might as well end yourself, for what happens after is far far worse.

    Consigned to the end of time, living in an empty void.

  • Thinking a game is too easy or too hard is a perfectly reasonable complaint to have about a game. It’s an entirely different thing to assume a game developer should change their game to fix your problem with the difficulty. Or shame others for not feeling the same way as you.

  • Complaining about people not liking a game because it’s too easy is just as bad as complaining about people not liking a game because it’s too hard.

    This Kirby is geared towards an audience that wants a more chill gameplay experience and that’s fine, but not everyone is going to enjoy that. Just like not everyone is going to enjoy difficult games.

  • Just finished Kirby and the forgotten land. Had so much fun and it was just so vibrant colorful and adorable. It might not have taken a long time to beat, but I am happy I brought it

  • I mean it’s not like you’re gonna die multiple times per level or anything but this one doesn’t feel quite as brain dead as something like Star Allies did. And I’ve found things like trying to get the target time on Treasure Roads actually an enjoyable challenge, not that it really seems to be worth anything.

  • Anybody complaining about this new kirby being too easy hasn’t played kirby games.

    They have never been tough. Only the final bosses but mainly because you haven’t been trying all game and now need to dodge more than just on accident.

    Kirby is nintendos easy mode franchise. Its great for kids. Fairly fun for adults who just wanna chill.

  • I am honestly so tired of every game trying to be “the Dark Souls of xyz” it’s so tedious. I don’t lack the skill. I lack the patience for every single minute aspect of a game to be made as involved and complicated and punishing as possible.

    More and more, every game I play, I’m just trying to escape how difficult real life always seems to be, and there’s some “risk/reward” obsessed, sadist dev doing everything they can to make every single facet of a game part of the “challenge”. These motherfuckers try to make the damn menus part of the challege half the time, with overly involved inventory management of various types.

    You can see it. You can see a fun game buried under all the arbitrary restrictions and pointless micro-mechanics and over-involved minigames that have nothing to do with why anyone bought the damn game, but you can’t get to it. It’s so tiresome.

  • For the last decade or so, game publishers have been trying to cater to everyone, removing mechanics, adding popular ones from other games, or making them “easier”, QoL improvements the old guard hates usually, in order to get more of a playerbase. This has led to many games being a hollow shell of their former selves, but more people like them; so despite hemorrhaging the old player base, they sell better anyway. Games like Battlefield, Call of Duty, WoW, Elder Scrolls, etc. etc.

    Now people are so used to being able to find a mode, a difficulty (or whatever it is they enjoy) in almost every game. That when games stick to their formula, people get mad they’re not catered to because they’re so used to it.

    “Why can’t you make the game the way I enjoy? Or put in a game mode that I like?” is the gist of every argument for changing a game I’ve heard in the last couple years.

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