The Hugo Brothers, also known in France as The Giants of the Alps, photographed with their family in 1910. Baptiste Hugo was 7ft. 7 inches tall and his younger brother Antoine was 7 ft. 5 inches.
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The Hugo Brothers, also known in France as The Giants of the Alps, photographed with their family in 1910. Baptiste Hugo was 7ft. 7 inches tall and his younger brother Antoine was 7 ft. 5 inches.
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Umm excuse me sir can u get that jar on the to shelf, Mam I am the top shelf
Thank goodness they were those hats, or they’d blend right in.
and yet they felt the need to have them standing on something …FAKE NEWS !!!
Marfan syndrome
I love the look on the face of the dude with the cane. The whole group looks like they are having a hard time not busting out laughing. Great pic!
Sorry, not tonight lads!
2,3114 m & 2,2606 m
The metric system, join ussss (hisses)