Some of us learned our lesson in 2012 with the original “Online, MMO zombie survival game” scam.
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Some of us learned our lesson in 2012 with the original “Online, MMO zombie survival game” scam.
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This game released and my friends and I were hyped. Set up a LAN to download, had preordered for alpha access and… servers failed immediately. Couldn’t download, couldn’t play, had none of the promised features, and dozens of shit micro transactions. It was a nightmare. Developers and support were unreachable. Completely unplayable.
shared feeling
I remember this one, i actually managed to get a refund even after i played hours. such a scam.
such a letdown
live and learn
I’m still holding out for the science-based, 100% dragon MMO
Goddamn this brings back memories. I actually loved this game, until it was completely taken over by hackers. I even made a video as my “audition” into a little video game reviewing company that eventually folded.
[oh hell yea I found the video. I made it sound way too good, my bad](https://youtu.be/2_LSqxvTbs4?si=2Hv5dyS2R2kCVjRQ)
I’ve been thinking I had a dayz account and constantly trying to find my account when I see streamers play it, I could’ve sworn i bought it with friends a long time ago, but it was this shit, how did I completely forget it was warz
I’ve been playing Dead Frontier on and off for like 15+ years and I was so excited for a game that could scratch that same itch on console with current gen graphics and gameplay. Back to my top down flash game I suppose
From the developers of Big Rigs. Yes, really.
I was on the fence about WarZ until DayZ saved me
I’m honestly still waiting for The Day Before to somehow be linked to Sergei Titov.
Didn’t this dev go on to make several other games that also didn’t last long?
These games made it so much harder for real zombie games to survive. For a while there zombies were a huge fad, and it was really frickin’ hard to figure out what was good and what was dreck with all ZDayofZombieTomorrowWarWorldZ games titles everywhere.