Context: Pizza Tower didn’t win and award on the Game Awards and a lot of people o saw were going to Review Bomb Cocoon because it won.
Please don’t do that people, don’t let the mindset of “Oh because game i loved didn’t won then the other one that won is bad” take over, it’s just an award, both games are really good.
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That is just disgusting. Review bombing can be done for proper reasons (like anti-consumer practices), but just because you lost an award? That is just so petty.
Review bombs are why user reviews can no longer be taken seriously. Good job making yourselves less credible than the critics you hate so much.
I’d not heard of Pizza Tower before
Loser behavior. And over a silly award? Lame.
Pizza Tower looks fun, but is the fanbase this toxic or just a sad minority of it?
Cocoon seems to be a brilliant game that I want to try, but I’m holding out for a physical release.
This shit is why you can never trust the internet hive mind when it comes to game reviews and opinions. There was a certain other category that had shit go down pretty poorly
yes because review bombing has any effect at all, cretins
See I always took review bombing as a sudden influx of negative reviews. A coordinated effort from a community.
Why does anyone give a single shit about who wins awards?
A game being GOTY or not has literally no impact on whether or not you liked it
People take the game awards WAAAAY too seriously.
Honestly, I look at award shows as more of a cataloge for games or movies i may have missed over the year than I do as what is the best. Everyone has their own tastes, and you never know when something might catch your interest.
This is precisely why I hate the Game Awards.
These awards mean literally nothing, none of this is objective or “official”. It’s all just pointless ceremonial nothingness. Just shut up and enjoy the games you enjoy
I’m amazed people still think review bombing makes a difference.
People can be bitter losers sometimes, but it doesn’t do them any good in the end
Stuff likes this just demeans the value of user reviews
i will never understand why people care about goty grammies oscars and whatever else… 99% of those nominations are either rigged or popularity contest and you gain nothing if your favorite game/movie/actor/singer/whatever won
Capital-G-Gamers are some of the worst people that I’ve had the displeasure of interacting with.
this is terrible behavior, I hate the review bomb culture that has become all too normal. mostly incels and bigots trying to spread hate
Maidenless behavior, I didn’t get a trailer for the elden ring dlc and I’m not salty….well not that much.
I’ll never forget the guy on twitter who had 100 accounts ready to review bomb Starfield before it came out.
Yes, he did have Kratos as a profile pic.
I mean, multiple major game review outlets deducted points from Baldur’s Gate 3’s score because it was a video game and not an exact 1 to 1 replica of experiencing D&D in real life with a table of friends. Dropped its Metacritic score from top 10 highest rated game ever to somewhere in the low 30s after that (it’s been steadily climbing back up due to user review scores though), and it dropped it from the #1 top rated pc game ever down to knocking it out of the top 5 (which it has since climbed back into again because of user reviews).
So if a game is good, even a review bombing campaign won’t completely destroy its chances at recognition, but it still makes a lasting impact that can definitely skew smaller titles into obscurity. The issue is when review outlets whose score holds weight in the industry coordinates against you it’s hard to come back from. If the reviewers help prop you up, then it doesn’t matter how bad the game itself is, you’ll get good scores and people will talk about it (Depression Quest, anyone?)
Don’t be afraid to show their username. No one really here is gonna harass him, genuinely.
I hadn’t heard of Cocoon until I saw people talking about Pizza Tower fans review bombing it, this is classic Streisand effect.
Why does this happen? Cringey ass holes
Lots of gamers are mental children who think their hobby is important. This is hardly surprising behavior
Imagine having so much time on your hands, that not only do you give waaaaay too much of a fuck, you decide to review bomb something… Such a waste.
You know who else agrees it’s not okay? The majority, as evidenced by the massive down votes.
The way r/gaming gushes over game awards and engages in this brand of so utterly unimportant drama makes me weep for humanity.
It got 74 downvotes. Why would you give it more publicity? You’ll find people with every dumb opinion on this planet, no need to bring more attention to them.