For the record, John Cleese only argued for 1:23 seconds … not 5 minutes
View Reddit by oldtownmaine – View Source
For the record, John Cleese only argued for 1:23 seconds … not 5 minutes
View Reddit by oldtownmaine – View Source
No he didn’t, your watch must be wrong.
Yes, he did argue for the full five minutes.
That’s not an argument.
No he didn’t
You want Pedantry, that’s three doors down
You vacuous toffee nosed malodorous pervert
No, he didn’t.
Professor showed the clip in my philosophy 101 logic course. Clip was brilliant, class kinda boring.
please stop the abuse
Came to read an argument in the comments and all I got was contrarianism.
Nothing to mean me
You are hereby charged that you did wilfully take part in a strange sketch, that is, a skit, spoof or humorous vignette of an unconventional nature with intent to cause grievous mental confusion to the Great British Public.
That’s absolutely untrue, I’m touching a shark right now and it’s smooth as silk.
I would pay for this… and also crush it as a profesional arguer…
That’s sort of the joke…
In case anyone’s curious, The Dinosaur Hour (Cleese’s new show) is pretty okay. Or at least the episode with Stephen Fry was.
I’m sorry Im not allowed to argue with you unless you pay.
I want to complain
It was more like 1:24
No, he didn’t.
Did they cut the part out where he walks into a room starts to get berated and finds out ‘oh no, this is abuse’?
Shame it cuts off before the self-aware cop-out ending.
Ah but for other 3:57 seconds he was arguing in his spare time.
I can’t argue unless you pay.
No he didnt
Good day.
Yes he did.
No he didn’t.
This clip cuts out [Abuse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BRc5zV4YKU) and ends too soon
Here is the [full sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLlv_aZjHXc) with Abuse, Argument, Complaints, and Being Hit on the Head Lessons
In the remaining three minutes and 27 seconds, the cast ran at least five more sketches.
They crammed a _lot_ into that half-hour!!
No he didn’t
The hostages weren’t raped, they just all fell in love with their caring Hamas hosts. And when they escaped, the freedom loving secular Palestinians returned them to the loving arms of Hamas.