Mr. & Mrs. Smith – Season 1 Official Teaser Trailer | Prime Video | February 2
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith – Season 1 Official Teaser Trailer | Prime Video | February 2
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Looks really good to me. Feels like the action of a lot of Prime shows but the cast and characters seem a lot more interesting. Definitely feeling the tone of the trailer.
I admittedly don’t know anything about Maya Erskine but if Donald is working next to her then she must be a good fit here. Looks like this will be fun and entertaining with a fantastic cast.
Great trailer, song choice is good, has a Bond feel, definitely distinguishing itself from the Brad/Angelina movie. This lives or dies on the chemistry, so we’ll see.
Great cast. Looks a lot more action packed then I expected for some reason. I feel like this will also be a good indication for how Glover’s Lando movie might be. Hopefully it’s good!
Seems like they are going a different route than the movie, they are a spy couple setup together to complete a mission rather than two spies get married not knowing the other is a spy.
It doesn’t really matter though, the deciding factor of the show will be the chemistry between the leads, it’s what made the movie successful
Amazon needs to organize its lineup for 2024 and beyond. They basically have The Boys, GenV, Reacher, The Wheel of Time, The Rings of Power and Invincible now. I have expectations for this show and Fallout. They made a lot of mistakes, but they need some focus now (including that horrible app).
Looks fucking fantastic! Anything with Parker Posey in I’m going to jump on.
Hope the leads can pull off the gunplay and action stuff, looks very promising too though from this
Could just jumped to make a Spy x Family adaptation at that point. The casting for it would have been neat already.
I’m in.
Not seeing the chemistry, which might be the point? That these two have nothing in common and are waiting till they can move on from each other?
This looks fantastic and I’ll watch anything with Donald Glover in it.
looks very cool
Mr and Mrs mid
So this is less the premise of the movie and closer to… The Americans?
Both John Turturro and Glover have a really good eye for serious projects in my opinion. Whenever I see them in a film or show I’m instantly interested not because I necessarily like them as actors but because they have a great nose for a script.
Fun fact, there was actually a pilot for a Mr and Mrs Smith TV series meant to air on network TV made over a decade ago so i’m glad to see it finally becoming a series.
Here’s the original pilot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTk43yldUk&pp=ygUebXIgYW5kIG1ycyBzbWl0aCB0diBzaG93IHBpbG90
This looks way better than I was expecting, definitely closer to the original show than the Bradjelina movie.
“I have to be clear, I’m not in this for the romance”
Visuals reminding me of the recent Daniel Craig bond movies. Amazing amazing cast too. Donald glover has also never made a bad show btw so I’m excited
I’ve been a fan of Maya since PEN15, so to pair her with a comedic titan like Glover is a homerun for me. I’m *so* in!
Stacked cast. Hope Paul Dano isnt in it for like 2min or something
This looks terrible
This looks so fucking good.
Donald got that Tom Cruise sprinting down.
I do I even have to say it?
Jesus fuck this looks good.
Wait, where’s Phoebe Waller? I thought this was her show
So this is like a modern day The Americans, right?
A spy story written by a bunch of the people behind Atlanta? Yeah I’m in.
Lately so many trailers feel like a 5th grade computer project done on Microsoft movie maker and rushed through the night before so it’s weird to see a good one.
Donald Glover run > Tom Who? run
I’ve actually seen the pilot already and really enjoyed it. The two stars have great chemistry, though I couldn’t get the what if of Phoebe Waller Bridge out of my head since she was originally onboard. Still looking forward to this none the less.
Hard pass.
That looks f’ing awful. Glover trying to pull off a tough guy is just bad. And how about getting a hot broad?
Yeah that is going to be a really tough sell: https://youtu.be/dPhhRFkrNts?si=ZHBW8Jb7lCDAoPNn&t=79
I mean this clearly won’t fail and everybody will love their chemistry and all the big names in fun “eccentric support/bad guy” or “side character” roles, e.g., Paul Dano as a neighbor (?).
Totally went for some Bond thing with the trailer. Although I dig Donald Glover in practically anything, I don’t get the same cool, campy and pretentious “super hot” vibe like the movie delivered.
Could someone do something original. Anyone?
Why can’t there be original
mrs smith seems to have the worst case of frowny face i’ve ever seen.