First Image from ‘Sasquatch Sunset’ Starring Jessie Eisenberg as a Sasquatch
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First Image from ‘Sasquatch Sunset’ Starring Jessie Eisenberg as a Sasquatch
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Sasquatch should be played by Bryan Cranston!!
Just what the world needs. An emotionally stunted, neurotic, fast-talking Sasquatch that bears an unlikely resemblance to Jesse Eisenberg.
This is going to be some real weird Oscar-bate.
The only plot detail:
>“A year in the life of a singular family”
Jessie Eisenberg as Sasquatch were words I never thought I needed in a sentence, but I was wrong
Suddenly hungry for Jack Link’s
They should get Luis Guzman
I quite like Eisenberg
Granny’s peach tea.
Rob Schneider is….a carrot!
Is it gonna be “found footage” style?
what’s big and furry and always blurry? there’s 3 of them now!
Forgot about this movie but I’m jacked for it
I’m ready for the enigmatic scene where he squats behind a tree to take a shit
Would you suppose this is the tale of a family of traditionally rural Sasquatch who are forced by encroaching development to move into the suburbs, thus making this a prequel to the David Wascavage classic Suburban Sasquatch?
You know what? I’m interested now
So he’s reprising the role of Mark Zuckerberg?
Good thing you told me, because this is just some guys standing there
I read the script for this a few years ago, very interesting to see it get made. The script was only like 45 pages and has no dialogue.
Sounds like an arthouse version of Harry and the Hendersons
What, and I cannot stress this enough, in the actual fuck?
I do believe this director has a short film of a sasquatch giving birth. Probably definitely in this movie.
This hold this fucker has over me is making me watch the weirdest fucking movies but I’m okay with that
You’d think we’d have found evidence of them by now if 3 big Sasquatch stand out in the open on top of a big mountain like that…
> Jessie Eisenberg as a Sasquatch
Haha that’s cray-zay. What’s next, Michael Cera as King Kong…?
Jesse finally found a way to look less punchable, nice.
The fuckin’ Samsquanch
If the only line is “Wadiyatalkinabeet?” I’ll still be happy
I swear this is like an Onion article
Please Abraham, I’m not that Sasquatch.
But will he make a more convincing Sasquatch than Lex Luthor?
“Sass, mate. We gotta go back to Choomah island”
One of two actors I just can’t watch in movies.
Can’t tell why.
Who’s Jessie Eisenberg? Jesse’s sister?
Excuse me what?
I don’t know how Jesse Eisenberg gets work, I can’t watch a single thing he’s in, he’s the most unlikelable and offputting actor I can think of in the current era. It’s not just me though, that seems to be common sentiment. Nobody seems to like him. He must have some serious dirt on some hollywood producers…
Jessie eisenberg has such a punchable face but I love a lot of stuff he’s in and I think he’s a genuine great actor. I’ll watch it.
He eats babies!
Now THIS is cinema
The movie we have all been asking for