December 2, 2023 by EvaInTheUSA [ad_1] This time, Trevor searches for his mother. [ad_2] View Reddit by EvaInTheUSA – View Source
To be fair the longevity of the game would mean they could make a part two and keep popularity for 5 more years December 2, 2023 at 5:56 pm Reply
Imagine if you could fly to a remastered version of San Andreas in gta 6. That could actually be kinda cool December 2, 2023 at 8:08 pm Reply
i really cant wait to play this im so thirsty for this game im not gonna lie December 2, 2023 at 8:12 pm Reply
That would be a great trolling announcement! However, they said a new GTA, so it will definitely be a GTA 6, or whatever they call it. December 2, 2023 at 8:16 pm Reply
We won’t see GTAV until the PS6 version. Which will be sold as a bundle with GTAVI PS6 version. December 2, 2023 at 9:50 pm Reply
I hope they add San Fierro and Las Venturas and do a remake of CJs story. December 2, 2023 at 10:29 pm Reply
Oh good this joke for the 18934th time. What’s wrong with putting just a little thought and effort into your “humor” December 3, 2023 at 1:50 am Reply
shit I wouldnt mind that as long as we get new story. They’re big cunts tho if its not the next gta game with the background they’re using hinting its gonna be set in Miami. December 3, 2023 at 5:34 am Reply
Maybe a final cut
To be fair the longevity of the game would mean they could make a part two and keep popularity for 5 more years
Or GTA 7. gta 6 still taking too much time to develop
Will the electric boogaloo be featured?
GTA 4: Remastered
I’m down
Imagine if you could fly to a remastered version of San Andreas in gta 6. That could actually be kinda cool
i really cant wait to play this im so thirsty for this game im not gonna lie
That would be a great trolling announcement! However, they said a new GTA, so it will definitely be a GTA 6, or whatever they call it.
Wouldn’t even be surprised.
Karma farming. This was posted to r/dankmemes with the same title.
Lol such a rip off 😂
Gta 5 Stories
We won’t see GTAV until the PS6 version. Which will be sold as a bundle with GTAVI PS6 version.
We’re finally getting single-player DLC! *fists cash into monitor*
I hope they add San Fierro and Las Venturas and do a remake of CJs story.
maybe they will announce GTA 5 for ps6 and xbox720?
Expect tons and I mean tons of micro translations
A rushed game is forever bad
It’ll get the remaster treatment in a month.
I would fucking cry, lmao.
Oh good this joke for the 18934th time. What’s wrong with putting just a little thought and effort into your “humor”
Gta mobile or gta online 2
GTA V Switch port.
I mean technically this is true depending on how you look at it.
*M E R R Y W E A T H E R F L E E T ‘ S H E R E , B R O*
shit I wouldnt mind that as long as we get new story. They’re big cunts tho if its not the next gta game with the background they’re using hinting its gonna be set in Miami.
Switch edition
I did want a sequel to gat