Holy Mark Zuckerberg painting found in Italian church (Sant’Apollinare-Nuovo)
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Holy Mark Zuckerberg painting found in Italian church (Sant’Apollinare-Nuovo)
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Fun fact, in this painting Zuck isnt holy, in religious art the indicator of a Saint or a Holy person is the ring of light sometimes refered to as aureole, around tge persons head, so in this case the priest is the hily one and Zuck is just a boy about to find salvation in the back rooms
Also damn Zuck looks more human in this than he ever did IRL
Gag me with a spoon.
With George bush
That kid have seen shit
And Ty Burrell
St. Mark. Founder of the Prayerbook.
He’s the one who steals your thoughts and prayers and gives (sells) that information to God.
Mr. Lucifer enlightening us
I am almost sure the saint is John Bosco
All the kids on the right know what’s up!
It is very common between 1900’s to 2000’s for mega rich to self-inserted themselves into “historical pieces”.
Big example of this was “The last Supper” with King George VI
That’s not Zuckerberg! How dare you!
It’s clearly HP Lovecraft.
sorry mark zuckerbeg is a lizard person, i used to think people who believed in lizard people were crazy than I saw mark zuckerberg.