I turned my phone LED on while on a walk this evening and saw this 10 feet away.
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I turned my phone LED on while on a walk this evening and saw this 10 feet away.
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It’s a mother mule deer with her baby.
Scared the crap out of me for about 2 seconds before I realized what they were.
Hahahahaha how fast can I run with shit in my pants? I’d have found out
I know they are deer but they look like hyenas.
Deer friends!
Stopped like a deer in the… phonelights…
Oh my lord! What the hell is that looking back
Did they kill you?
I am an atheist with no belief in the paranormal by day. But at night or even just on an overcast day if I’m hiking in the desert and see this it’s 1000% a skin walker
There was an undeveloped hill on my campus when I was in college I’d sit on at night occasionally. One time I was there for 5 minutes before turning to see a deer 10 feet away from me. Spooked both of us, and it ran away.

And that was the last message ever sent by U/JephriB before he was eaten by raccoons…
Average Lethal Company game
That could be Tucson, Arizona, which is where I am.

Another found footage movie 😂
Oh deer
Those deer probably have a picture of you, that they took home and said, “we saw a light come on and this thing was 10’ away”!!!!
Burnaby Mountain?
If you turn it off they dissappear.
spoo-kay 👻
Deer:”what you up to”
One time this happened to me in the woods behind my house when I was 14…heard some leaves and hit my flashlight thinking it was a coon or something, but it was 3 Coyotes. Scared the shit outta me – but I threw some sticks and they backed up and stayed about 30 ft away the last 100 yards out of the woods. Needless to say I didn’t turn my back to them!
I go running when the moon is new just for this 🐺
Why is the tree on the right smiling at you.
Curious deer. Shoo them away lol
Oh no, Bracken!
Did you survive?
Jericho Beach
Oh Deer!
That city is some miles away-aw hell naw
You’re smart to pull out your camera, the cameraman never dies
This kind of gives me Alvin Schwartz vibes.
Did something similar a couple of weeks back on a camp site within a national park in Botswana, also assuming the 7-8 pairs of eyes looking back were small deer, scared the crap out of me when I turned on a brighter light and it was a pride of lions moving through.
Oh deer
They are called deer
Look how many deer there are in the distance!!
Album cover
Is this across from vancouver wa by chance? Cuz damn that view is similar.
Really nice street lights