Friday, March 7All That Matters

The Completionist Charity Situation Gets Worse…


  • I don’t think The Completionist realizes what kind of shit he’s in. Charity fraud is one of those things that the IRS *just loves* to get their hands on because they *know* what happens with the money. It’s one of the #1 ways people get scammed in the U.S..

  • The section on restricted vs non-restricted donations has cemented my opinion of what I thought earlier: Jirard is not stealing money, he just didn’t understand how charity donations worked and assumed he would have infinite time to find a charity that would take his donations as restricted.

    Now that someone has lit a fire under his ass, he’s panicking and making bad calls because he hasn’t consulted a lawyer (or hadn’t at the time of the interview).

    I also 100% believe he’s committing charity fraud by telling people he’s “working with” specific charities. He’s implying to donaters he’s giving money to them when what he really means is he’s working on terms for a restricted donation but hasn’t given a penny. If people knew he wasn’t actually giving money, they wouldn’t donate.

  • Usually there is “why”. There are some expenses or payments listed. So, is this the benefit? I know $10-28k/yr is a huge amount to many people, but I’m not sure it’s worthy of committing fraud for a public figure. Seems like an amount that could be attributed to legal, insurance etc.

    I mean, it doesn’t appear malicious. Doesn’t appear to be benefitting them. Lots of good questions raised. But again. It could be solved with a “Oh Crap. We haven’t?! Write the damn checks.” I guess he’s right in the video. Seeing a bank balance showing the actual money is there would put peoples minds at ease.

  • This whole thing comes across as someone trying to run a small foundation and another person who doesn’t understand why they do things the way they did.

    He keeps talking in circles in the video. He has the tax documents that show 0 was spent. When he asks the foundation why they didn’t spend anything, he didn’t like their response. He just keeps repeating this wouldn’t be an issue if they had just told people they are going to try to find the best suitable partner to give the donations to.

    He may not like it but charities are not required to tell you where and when every single dollar is spent. If you donate $10 dollars, they do not have to send you a notification when they use your $10 and tell you how they used it. Every charity out there (that is fiscally responsible) has money in a bank account somewhere (unused donations).

    This would be bigger deal if they showed they were spending all of their donations on personal purchases. The video heavily implies this is what is going on, but he is careful to walk it back multiple times. He is putting across the impression of “Hey look they took all of this money from you and they reported 0 spending. Where is the money? It must be in a bank account….right?”

    He claims he’s not doing this for views, but that is exactly what he is doing. He even went as far to say this looks even worse because they haven’t made a statement about it, while calling people out in the video for not watching the part where he spoke to the face of the charity and he talks about the response that he received from the charity.

    At the end of the day they’re not doing anything illegal and this is a nothing-burger of a story.

  • So who thinks the money is still there, and who thinks the Completionist is sitting there praying on some crypto gambles so they can put money in the account?

    One really hopes it is the former, but personally I’d bet on the latter…

  • If I’m Projared I delete my Twitter account after I write a tweet like that. Incredibly embarrassing to not do any due diligence when accusing someone of not doing due diligence.

    I really think the wild public defenses of Jirard by his friends have escalated this into a far bigger deal than it would have been otherwise. I saw one of them say that Karl and SOG are trying to “cancel his entire bloodline” by making these videos.

  • Not in a savings account!! what? That seems particularly bad management.I am a regular Friends per Second user so I am certainly disappointed in Jirad.

    I think there are some ways he gets out of this without criminality but he probably shouldn’t be trusted with money or a foundation or a charity ever again. His family might have been lying to him but if its his job to advertise the charity he should have checked that stuff before he went and said they were working with people they weren’t working with. Family dick family around with money all the time. But it’s his name on the paperwork he has to check that.

    So far it doesn’t look like anything is stolen, its just sitting around doing nothing losing value.

  • Stuff gets filed without signatures all the time. Often on complex filings, with no ill intention. And in general as long as dues are paid no one is really going to reach out for a signatures the irs is particularly understaffed to look for documentation without a signature especially if no money is owed to them because of it. If they did audit this filing they would reach out the filer maybe a cpa somewhere or maybe an individual and ask them to sign it. It’s not usually a red flag in and of itself.

  • Every single “criticism” that he lays out ignores the fact that Jirard misrepresented the actions and goals of the charity that he was continuing to raise funds for. He lied about organizations they were partnering with along with other fabrications in order to induce donations. I understand you can claim that this all came from a good place and that he was just ensuring that the money was used appropriately for what he intended but there comes a point where he is drawing funds over the years that could have actively went towards the cause or any other cause rather than to his charity’s holding account. Not only is he being a poor steward of his contributors’ funds but he is also lying to everyone and the video lays out that he is continuing to lie in order to continue to raise funds. He could have been honest the entire time but that would stopped donations from coming in and he probably was benefitting from the fundraise drives via attention and possibly press. It is all pretty gross.

  • I like that after he has mentioned 3+ times that his “channel is magnitudes bigger” than Jirads, he says “This isn’t a dick measuring contest.”

    Yes I understand the reason why he said it the first time.. but he kept finding examples to say it again and again lmao.

  • I’m not going to watch the entire 31 minute video here so I’ll ask here… did this guy read the organization’s by-laws? Does the document state a time limit for how long the funds are held? If not, then I believe the answer is for the funds to be donated. I’m pretty sure he’ll be in the clear once that happens. He didn’t commit fraud from what I’ve seen. Unless there is evidence showing he was planning on distributing the funds illegally.

  • Do we know if there are any other videos on the situation? I’ve hear Muta isn’t a trusted source these days, which is a shame, I liked listening to his content when I was younger (creepypastas)

  • Where there is smoke there is fire. I highly doubt he will do right and show a statement followed by an actual donation. My guess is the money is not even there. Seen it too much in my life to think this is all just negligence and things will be fixed. At the very least he is a willful dope not checking in for 10+ years to make sure the charity his name is on and happens to be the face-off is actually doing what he is saying. Maybe there is trust because of family but you would have to be silly to be in that position for that long and not once check. I feel like he had to know and played along based on the statement of knowing about it in 2022 but continued to lie to his viewers while he knew. I don’t give a rat’s ass how kind he seems or why would he would shit his money-making career. Successful good people have done so much worse for far less.

  • I sorta think rn he is just super stressed now that eyes are on him. I like the completionist and I hope it’s settled in a fairly decent way…cuz if it’s deemed charity fraud…community backlash is gonna be the least of his problems

  • I appreciate being unwaveringly critical in investigating this because it may be a serious situation, but I do find it dishonest to act like he’s posting a video with Jirard’s face and the dire words “The situation is only getting worse!” plastered huge on the thumbnail for only justice and not at all to exploit the situation, which he is doing. Making a video about it and exploiting the story for views is more or less fair, but it does come off as slightly sensationalist in these videos, especially when they allude to crimes being committed that can’t exactly be proven yet.

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