It’s funny enough seeing ridiculous signs like these and thinking, well that’s common sense but also it gets funnier when you realize that the reason why they had to put it up in the first place is because somebody, at one point, was dumb enough to do this exact thing.
Just don’t.
But I’m here to party
Even your own???
When you’re a Jehova Witness and only the Missionary Position is allowed.
Caution. Aparatus predates safety precautions!
Thats not why she was given the nickname “fingercuffs”
Sign on my GF’s panties.
So I can’t stick my finger up my own ass let alone anyone else’s now? Damn
To my fingers or the hole?
Never put your finger where you wouldn’t put your wiener.
It’s funny enough seeing ridiculous signs like these and thinking, well that’s common sense but also it gets funnier when you realize that the reason why they had to put it up in the first place is because somebody, at one point, was dumb enough to do this exact thing.
That’s not what she said
Ok I will not insert my **FINGER**
Sign above my wife’s bed.
Don’t even think about telling that to Elden Ring players!
Instructions unclear. Penis stuck in gap or hole.
It’s a warning sign to keep people from inserting their fingers into any gaps or holes, as they might be hurt.
This sign should end by saying “unless ya NASTY!”
Mostly ego based ut still hurtful….
So, penises are safe then?
This is why I don’t go to Denny’s anymore.
My girlfriend hates this sticker
A better sign “we will go after you for”
But for who
Plastic lawn chairs have taken my middle finger. I find it fitting.
My wife told me the same thing!
I need this on my underwear
Instructions unclear, now my penis is stuck
Back story – Sign was posted in the locker room of a Curves Fitness