Ngl this sort of stuff would be really beneficial for folks for a range of anxieties. Suggestions how to do it competently, and someone taking it too far, or overreading into it.
Good comic and could help some folk. If I’d been a kid and seen this I imagine growing up would have been easier since someone actually sat down in a way and explained or showed how to receive the praise.
It’s so easy! For more comics that are also bad at accepting compliments, head on over to r/BummerParty.
Technically he is correct
Cute style and good joke!
Im gonna do this unironically from now on
Ah yes, communication at its finest.
Wow, I wonder I can be at least half as confident as he is
True story:
A pretty lady at the bar said to me
>I like your facial hair. It’s really on point.
>thanks I like yours too.
Warning! Arbitrary and unexpected compliments are a common indicator that you are about to be taken advantage of.
Ngl this sort of stuff would be really beneficial for folks for a range of anxieties. Suggestions how to do it competently, and someone taking it too far, or overreading into it.
Good comic and could help some folk. If I’d been a kid and seen this I imagine growing up would have been easier since someone actually sat down in a way and explained or showed how to receive the praise.
heh he did a third compliment
“In high school my boxing coach called me a Rembrandt of the ring.”
“Wow! Because of your finesse and fancy footwork?”
“No, he said it was because I spent a lot of time on the canvas.”
I use to compliment back. But it’s so awkward. It’s best to just take the compliment and be happy. For men it comes once a year xD
Ha ha ha ha ha ha , “nailed it” .
Surprised it wasn’t “sports ball”
You actually don’t have to do this…. Best way to accept a compliment is by saying: “Thank you” or “I appreciate that” and just move on with your day.
i will try this 🙂