Fun fact: According to some nature show I saw, the saliva of komodo dragons is so laden with bacteria their bite is likely to cause an infection, sometimes causing the animal to weaken and fall down or even die from sepsis. It takes a few days, but komodos are known to trail their prey for days.
So, Nickleback has said in interviews that they’ve considered splitting up, not over differences or someone wanting to go solo, but because they felt they’d achieved what they set out to do. But then, they go online and read some of the hate directed at them, and go, ‘nah, we’re staying together to spite these guys’ and keep doing them
he’s so cute
Younger me hated Nickleback. Well except for that song. And oh yea that ones good. Oh yea that other one too.
Older me just admits that I do, in fact, like Nickleback.
Nickleback truly is the Pineapple on Pizza of Rock
Lol handoffs. You guys handle nothing.
Look at this photograph
Fun fact: According to some nature show I saw, the saliva of komodo dragons is so laden with bacteria their bite is likely to cause an infection, sometimes causing the animal to weaken and fall down or even die from sepsis. It takes a few days, but komodos are known to trail their prey for days.
My toxic is trait is I correct the spelling of strangers.
It’s Nick**el**back. You know, like the coin or the metal, also spelled nick**el**.
Pretty lazy to go nickelback on that last panel.
Since when is not responding to messages toxic? Maybe I just don’t want to talk to them.
I read this in Tone Locs voice from Fern Gulley
I’m through with standing in line for clubs I’ll never get in….
Nickleback? It should be ashamed.
So, Nickleback has said in interviews that they’ve considered splitting up, not over differences or someone wanting to go solo, but because they felt they’d achieved what they set out to do. But then, they go online and read some of the hate directed at them, and go, ‘nah, we’re staying together to spite these guys’ and keep doing them
Leader of Men is a killer tune.
Venom is one thing. But NICKLBACK?