San Jose woman loses limbs battling bacterial infection from tilapia
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San Jose woman loses limbs battling bacterial infection from tilapia
View Reddit by lostacoshermanos – View Source
I stopped eating tilapia shortly after I found out most of it is from shit tier farms in china.
What until you guys find out about all the shit in the ocean.
Cook your fish properly people.
But I like my tilapia medium rare.
Lol i saw someone post their tilapia sashimi earlier today. They got it from costco
I saw someone post about making sushi from Costco tilapia the other day. Maybe it was this lady.
Just realized the news reporter Dan is the guy from the where they at though video. https://youtu.be/ybcNSoh8vI4?si=yaMfKjSIftkqr3iH
Everyone in high-seafood countries:
*Lives longer than Gandalf*
Everyone in this comments thread, having seen one freak video:
“I’m eating nothing but well done steak for the rest of my days!”
Jesus, if I lose my arms AND legs just let the bacteria finish me off. I don’t want live that way.
A guy a few blocks down from my house got this bacteria from the water and died. This is west coast water in Florida. I’m not sure if it’s only our very warm water or all coastal water, but they said there is a rise in this bacteria due to climate change.
I walk my dog every day by the water the guy got the bacteria in. Guy in his 60s or so, had a tiny little cut on his foot, waded in the water like any Floridian or tourist does. Died like a day or two later. It moves really fast! Crazy.
This lady got incredibly unlucky. Most of us could have shared that same price of seafood and been totally fine.
To loose a limb from something you ate means bacteria manage to get past your digestive system, the physical barriers of your gi tract and your immune system. It’s exceptionally unlikely to happen, but on a planet of billions it will happen to someone
I was in Brazil visiting my friend and we had Japanese Poke bowls and later in the trip we decided to try making it ourselves. He wanted to eat the store bought tilapia raw and I was like yeah no buddy im not going to risk getting sick af in Brazil. Hard pass.
Imagine waking up and your arms and legs are gone. A waking nightmare.
The issue is about where food is sourced from, how it’s processed, and how it’s cooked. If all 3 areas meet quality standards then we are good. The first 2 of those areas are out of our hands and grossly mismanaged, at least in the US (mass production w/lack of regulation and accountability, cuz money).
The final area is somewhat on us and, due to the other 2’s’ shit status, is now the thin line between life and death. Lack of quality in all 3 areas is a terrible gamble.
Yeah we have a duty to cook our shit right, but I think we don’t realize how neglected the first two areas are.
Quality is everything and a buffer against illness. But the food industry has found that they can get away without the buffer since cooking food takes care of the nasty shit that shouldn’t be there.
But like, even if we don’t lose our limbs from the food we eat, it’s still lackluster in quality, slowly degenerating the health of the population.
*grabs another handful of chips*
What happened to this lady is terrible, but it’s not super clear this came from the tilapia https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/san-jose-woman-quadruple-amputation-vibrio-health-officials-dispute-claims-from-tilapia-fish/
Damn, if it was me then I would rather the doctors put me out of my misery then lose all my limbs.
Wasn’t this disproven to be from tilapia?
brazilian here… do not… i repeat ***DO NOT,*** eat raw tilapia ffs even if it wasn’t the cause it can give you a ***REALLY*** bad time… this fish is supposed to be eaten ***only*** cooked.
Yes! A friend died here in florida from same thing not that long ago. Raw oysters. Scary stuff
“ On Wednesday, the Santa Clara Department of Public Health issued a statement saying they had identified a woman matching the description of Barajas at a local hospital. The department also noted that hospitals are required by law to report vibrio infections.
“Preliminary information has now been received regarding this individual, **confirming that no laboratory tests are positive for Vibrio**. Several different diseases including but not limited to Vibrio can cause tragic clinical outcomes like this one,” the department said in a statement to KPIX. ” [emphasis mine]
The title is not entirely true
Don’t eat oysters except in the darkest days of winter. Tell your friends. Vibrio is gnarly and hard to kill.
As a hypochondriac, this heavily disturbs me
This seems to be a *freak* accident. I’m also not convinced it was tilapia. Every once in a very blue moon, something like this pops up in the news to scare people.
The facts:
Santa Clara Department of Public Health issued a statement saying hospitals are **required by law** to report vibrio infections. But **no hospitals** have reported any vibrio infections.
“Preliminary information has now been received regarding **the individual who matches the video**, confirming that **none of her laboratory tests are positive for Vibrio**. Many other different diseases can cause tragic clinical outcomes like this one,”
the department said in a statement to KPIX.
So you’d think that story would then want to provide info on proper thorough cooking of fish.
all limbs? jesus christ I would ask for the doctors to end my life then and there. I feel sorry for her
I used to eat tilapia until I saw the Dirty Jobs episode on what they were fed.
I had my left leg amputated below the knee and right toes amputated as a result of sepsis from Staphylococcus Aureus (the SA in MRSA).
The bacteria initially caused infective Endocarditis and then travelled all around my body, causing infarction in the liver, spleen, kidneys (which failed) pancreas and brain where it caused multiple strokes and left side hemiparesis.
That was in summer ’21, I spent 6 months in hospital and another 6 in a neurological rehabilitation unit and Care Home. I waited nearly a year for adaptations to be made to my current home where I live independently. I am still having physiotherapy to get me walking well again.
The doctors don’t know how I got the initial infection. Lots of us have the bacteria around our bodies.
That’s it, I’m not eating bacteria ever again.