My 10 year old and I were blown away by single powerful scene in this show. Had to pause after the scene and discuss. We both immediately recognized the immensely creative minds behind this show.
It is so good from beginning to end. The scenes are all so artistically created and full of so much vibrant life, it’s hard to pay attention to the main characters all the time. Whereas the character design is much more simplistic for the main cast, it is so detailed when characterizing what I can only call psychedelic phenomena captured in my screen I spent a lot of time going back through each scene to let it all sink it. Very reminiscent of Raised by Wolves as far as overall feel, but much more energetic and engaging shot for shot.
This show took my breath away, it was THAT GOOD !
It’s on HBO MAX and I’m starting it now.
tldw: the planet is indifferent to the humans trying to understand it
This is the definition of “sleeper hit.” An incredible show that won’t get the audience it richly deserves.
I realized the other night that from another perspective this show is essentially an extended version of the plumbus bit from Rick and Morty.
r/ScavengersReign 🙂 fantastic show.
Are we expecting a season 2 out of this? Where season 1 ended, I could easily see the story continuing.
The first episode was strange, but I was intrigued. The rest was literally a masterpiece in adult animation.
Seriously, if you’ve not watched this do so immediately
My 10 year old and I were blown away by single powerful scene in this show. Had to pause after the scene and discuss. We both immediately recognized the immensely creative minds behind this show.
It is so good from beginning to end. The scenes are all so artistically created and full of so much vibrant life, it’s hard to pay attention to the main characters all the time. Whereas the character design is much more simplistic for the main cast, it is so detailed when characterizing what I can only call psychedelic phenomena captured in my screen I spent a lot of time going back through each scene to let it all sink it. Very reminiscent of Raised by Wolves as far as overall feel, but much more energetic and engaging shot for shot.
Im six episodes in and enjoying it. I also started Blue Eye Samurai on Netflix and that show is amazing.