Monday, March 17All That Matters

Bumblebee: The One Nobody Expected To Be Good


  • Bumblebee 2018 showed that good story telling, along with adequate and good character development, is better than shoving as much action as possible in every scene…

    It was several steps in the right direction for the franchise. And then they had to take a few steps back with RotB.

    Many may love the movie but I only give it a 6.5/10; where-as Bumblebee gets a 10/10. With Bumblebee, not only was the story and characters great, they also had solid acting and a fantastic sound track. It hit all the feels in the right way, yet still had action scenes with giant fighting robots. RotB on the other hand just felt rushed story wise, little to no character development, and lots of giant fighting robots. Oh yea, a one human gets to fight too. It was Ok, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t as good as Bumblebee.

  • I reluctantly watched it recently and was surprised how good it was. Not only was the story fun and the characters not obnoxious but the design of the Transformers were what Michael Bay’s version SHOULD have looked like.

  • Funny how a Transformers movie made by a more conventional director turned out better than the ones made by the ‘maverick’ director who doesn’t care for traditional cinema staples such as blocking, framing, or using colour to make characters stand out.

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