Thursday, February 13All That Matters

For the undying 9/11 MORONIC JET FUEL ARGUMENT


  • But…..but….George Soros and his lizard people built it with a special steel that only they know about and…..and…. I read it on Facebook so it’s true……. dO yOur reSeaRCh sheeple.

  • I love how people think that him pulling it out of a furnace is like some big thing.

    A tower with the top floors burning, fuel being the office space of the late 90’s early 2000’s with all the abs office equipment, the highly flammable cubicle dividers, the flammable drop in celeing tiles, all the paperwork as the digital age was still in its infance and rooms full of filings cabinets full of densely packed paper was a thing, the MDF office furniture, the carpeting still heavily used, and a constant supply of fresh air being pulled in from an open ventilation system from the lower floors, and you have a blast furnace.

    Does common sense not even reside in these people’s skulls?

  • This kind of video makes me think about the people it’s directed at:

    Is it terrifying to not know anything about how the world around you works or is it comforting?

    Steel is soft before it’s liquid is such a simple concept but repeating the conspiracy theory instead of understanding facts seems more like it’s fueling an addiction to anger than an interest in getting the “real” truth.

  • Does anything actually burn at a set, limited temperature? Paper burns at 451 degrees, but can’t it burn a lot hotter with enough airflow?

    Blacksmiths use coal sometimes, and then add air to get to temperatures well beyond its basic “burn” temperature.

    Wouldn’t jet fuel act the same?

  • While it’s a good demonstration, this whole video is misguided. People drinking the conspiracy kool-aid aren’t *really* concerned about the structural ability of steel at specific temperatures, or building 7 or a magic bending bullet or flags waving on the moon or anything else. They’re reaching for any conceivable circumstantial reason to make *you* believe what they believe, which more often than not is something to do with the Jews and how they’re bad. That’s why when you disprove one of their claims they just ignore it and fall back to the next one. It’s not about them, it’s about you. Engaging with their claims at this kind of surface level and not addressing those deeper concerns is just feeding the troll.

  • I find it disappointing that that the enduring questions about 9/11, at least in the popular imagination, are “How did this happen?” not “Why did this happen?” or “Who is responsible?”

  • In 2016 a tarp fire on a Pittsburgh bridge softened up the steel enough that the bridge was minutes from collapsing.

    Pretty sure a tarp does not burn as well as jet fuel.

  • Hey that’s my old buddy Trenton Tye! He has a bunch of other videos under the name Purgatory Ironworks that teach blacksmithing, and for a very short time I helped him film a few. He is a super cool dude!

  • People also forget that in 2001 most places still filed everything on paper, so a lot of floors were straight up paper floors. Office fires are the deadliest because of the paper, people tend to forget that

  • I was a trained volunteer firefighter once upon a time. They told us one of the worst places to have a fire was in a steel structure (ie a walmart or a warehouse with a steel roof). This was because the steel would weaken and expand from the heat. If the roof didn’t collapse, the walls would be pushed apart and collapse once you cool things down. I have no doubt that the building collapsed due to structural weaknesses caused by the impact and ensuing fire. It’s amazing those buildings didn’t collapse from the impact itself and it’s a testament to the builders and designers that it stood for as long as it did… or else more people would’ve died from them falling. My heart still goes out to those affected, especially the firefighters killed in that tragedy.

  • People that are easily susceptible to conspiracy nonsense also get angry and find any sort of excuse to deny rational explanations because they *need* to feel like they know something more than **everyone** else.

    EG: Mike Tyson 1985 fight, “time-traveller” in audience proof (somebody with a smart phone):

    Yeah but… what if there was a camera, or many camera models, from the 1980s that looked exactly like what’s in the photo?

    Conspiracy nuts: NO! That’s *nothing* like it, it could only be a smart phone.

  • Well done.

    I have a former friend who is a conspiracy nut who uses this argument all of the time. He would insult people and say how fucking stupid they were because jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough…blah blah blah.

    I had to block him because I couldn’t stand his bullshit. One of my very good friends growing up has a sister who’s college roommate was a flight attendant on the plane that hit the Pentagon.

  • It’s such a stupid take and I too, get just as mad when I hear that argument.

    Yes, steel melts at 2000 but if fucking *bends and is holding thousands of pounds of weight*. No fucking shit it crumbled the way it did bro.

  • Any time this comes out i fee compelled to state what the actually conspiracy theory is. I believe it stemmed from one of the zeitgeist movies, anyways:

    The argument is not that the steel beams melted so the towers collapsed but they shouldnt have melted so it couldnt have been jet fuel that did it (i think thats the mainstream perception of the conspiracy at least)

    The actual conspiracy is that in the report, they noted melted steel which shouldnt have been present at all.

    In short, the conspiracy is not structural, its circumstantial.

    I still think its weak since if youve worked that type of job, you know reports will not always be factually correct so its possible some dude writing it just called it steel.

  • As a fellow blacksmith I would like to expand on his point for anyone that wants to gripe about the 300 degree difference. Coal ( a very common fuel for a forge) “burns” at 900 degrees Fahrenheit, I.E. its rough combustion temperature. However; if you force oxygen into that equation it can reach heights of 3500 degrees and can easily melt steel.

    Now I am well aware of the vast difference in the chemistry between to the two but the same principal applies to jet fuel. Change the conditions in which the substrate is burning and the temperature will change in value as well. So “JeT fUeL OnLy BuRns aT 1500 dEgReeS” well, in the combustion chamber of a jet engine, temps are getting up into the 3000’s. And guess what’s fueling that fire; pressure, oxygen, and jet fuel! And do you know what is blowing pretty hard (adding pressure and oxygen) on the higher floors of skyscrapers? A whole lot of wind! No where near enough to get it to metal melting, but certainly enough to reach a *very* pliable state.

    All of this is also not taking into account the just manipulating metal generates heat. I can hammer on the end of a 1/4 inch steel rod at room temperature for about 30 seconds and get the tip to red hot just from kinetic energy transfer. So it makes sense to me that a plane hitting a building would probably be adding some energy into the mix as well.

  • It’s not just jet fuel though, it’s modern office supplies. I saw a demonstration once long before 9-11 where they constructed a mock room and used real i-beams and construction materials. They also loaded the office room with real office items like all the plastic things you could want like PC’s, a printer, etc.

    When it lit up, the i-beam eventually started to sag. Turns out plastics and other modern materials burn really hot as well. It didn’t melt of course, but seeing a large beam start to sag is pretty scary when you think about it and the implications on structural integrity of the building as a whole.

    So ya, not only jet fuel, but modern polymers played a part. Just an interesting side note.

  • Always laugh at the “jet fuel fires don’t melt steel beams” argument.

    It doesn’t have to melt it, heat will weaken it. Once it weakens, 1-2 floors will collapse. The shock of hundreds of tons hitting the next floor will cause a multiplicative reaction of more and more weight hitting subsequent floors.

    This also slaps the “derr, they fell in free fall” claims as well.

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