My leatherman collection
View Reddit by 12altoids34 – View Source
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My leatherman collection
View Reddit by 12altoids34 – View Source
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That’s impressive 😳
I’ll bite. Why?
Must work as TSA at an airport
Which one fits best in the hand and can be squeezed hard without hurting?
I want to upgrade
You must have some of the dozen or so I’ve lost through the years
I think we found Laura Kampf’s reddit account lol
I’ve owned a few multitools through the years. Never heard of them before the military and now I keep one around for all sorts of random stuff. Til I lose it, anyways.
I had one in 2010 that was perfect and never saw one like it again til I saw it in your drawer here. Not that I search hard for it online or in stores, but I missed it. It’s the one in the middle right hand side of the picture. Black handles, silver tools, pliers recessed inverter inside the grips. Can you tell me what the model of that one is?
Why though? Stop buying them and just use one.
I need to start a sub for ‘titles that mean something way different without the picture’…
The first step in addiction treatment is admitting you have a problem.
I don’t see any problems here.
“Oh look, a Wave… oh look, another Wave… oh look…”
I own two Waves because I loved my first one so much that when I lost it, I had to buy another.
Then I cleaned out my computer bag and now I have two.
Tarkov players *heavy breathing*
Awe a Wave, my wave gave me a decade of missuse and never bitched once. I’ll always be pissed I put it in my pocket on habbit on way to airport.
I had that small red Juice. It is responsible for a big scar on my finger. Sadly I lost that little beauty
One of my best friends ( rip Les ) gave me a Leatherman squirt for Christmas a few years ago. I loved it so much, i gave a few as gifts myself since then.
Showed this to my wife (Christmas gift hint) and all she said was, “that photo could be made into a wicked jigsaw puzzle”. 😂
Thought those were N64 Cartridges
Jesus. And I don’t buy one, because I doubt it would be more than a toy for me.
This is such a young man thing to achieve
I’ve only ever carried the Swiss victorinox.
I have one and have never used it.
My budget is more Pleatherman range
I won’t lie. This morning when I opened reddit and saw that I had 31 notifications my first thought was” oh shit, what did I say to piss somebody off now?”. I can’t tell you how relieved I was to see that it was just people commenting on my Leatherman collection.
Nice collection! The wave is my daily carry, it’s basic, accessible, good design. I’m about to purchase the ARC but strictly for more formal occasions.
Pointlessly overkill for now, but your estate sale is gonna be lit for all the neighborhood husbands.