A lion was filmed roaming the streets of Ladispoli, Italy… after it escaped from a traveling circus
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A lion was filmed roaming the streets of Ladispoli, Italy… after it escaped from a traveling circus
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Poor animal looks so confused and alone. At least he’s out of the circus.
[ The only appropriate reaction](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/154/184/450px-Jesus_Christ_it's_a_lion_Get_In_The_Car!.jpg)
It’s just a Peugeot.
Such a beautiful animal! For some reason even more so in this urban setting
Italian police,
Arrest that lion
He shakes his mane
He roars in the night
He acts like a lost circus animal 🎶
Why is the circus still using animals?
Wild animals as performers are banned in most EU countries. Literally no sane or moral reason a lion should be with a modern circus.
Finally there’s a Mayor that has taken a step towards addressing the wild boar overpopulation issue.