The Matrix has always been one of my favorite movies. Tonight, I watched it with two of my daughters for their first time. Even on their first watch, there were a couple of times when they commented on a really cool scene transition. It made me wonder what other movies have particularly well done scene transitions?
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R100 is not a good movie, but I liked the interstitial pop-up in between scenes
Any Edgar Wright movie
One of my faves will always be the Russian to English transition in The Hunt for Red October on the word “Armageddon.”
Run Lola Run
[Nice dissolve…](https://youtu.be/NVFDAhPHDa4)
Children of men
Any David Lean movie.
Eternal Sunshine has lots of amazing transitions. It’s Michel Gondry’s signature.
No surprise, Cloud Atlas is a marvel of editing genius. I’d love to see a similar breakdown for that film. It’s one that, the more you pick it apart, the more layers you find.
The fall and the cell by Tarsem Singh. Amazing artistry
Blade Runner; oh my gosh that transition through the ceiling down to the commissioner’s office was incredible.
Any Lucas-era Star Wars film; Lucas and his editors made sure every cut had a neat, tidy effect and both the timing and framing were so clean and punctual every time. The newer fis don’t do this and it’s one of those subtle things that most don’t pick up on and which robs them of their Star Wars-ness.
Any Satoshi Kon movie: Millennium Actress, Perfect Blue, Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers