Thursday, February 13All That Matters

Why do so many people keep buying COD every single year?


So I should start by saying I am not a big COD fan. I’ve owned a couple of them in the past and found them to be somewhat enjoyable. I mainly just think Zombies is really fun. (Zombies standalone game when?) My primary experience of the games comes from one of my good friends though. He buys most of them and we often take turns playing when I come to visit.

That established, it blows my mind that people are still shelling out money for these games to the point where they’re always the best selling games of the year. Based on my observations from the past few years and some research it seems that the past decade has only had a couple of these games at most that are actually good. And every year I hear so much buzz about how terrible the new COD is. When Vanguard came out all I heard about for weeks was how trash it was. Same for this new Modern Warfare. Which, based on what I saw of it, I already knew it was gonna be shit even without being a COD fan.

All of which begs the question: Why? If the games are generally poorly received by both fans and casuals than why are they always top sellers? I mean we all know why Microsoft bought Activision, they did it for that sweet COD money. Because somehow these games always sell hugely no matter how awful they apparently are. I’ve seen so many Reddit posts about people having a terrible time with the new game and I gotta wonder: Why are they even buying it then? They’re just giving Activision what they want every single year and yet no one ever seems to learn their lesson and just not buy the new game! Are people just genuinely so addicted to this franchise that they can’t help but keep coughing out money every year like it’s a subscription service? I’d love to hear some other perspectives on this because from someone who is generally an outsider when it comes to COD, the franchise’s continued financial success makes absolutely no sense to me.


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  • I would say it is easy to jump into game for them without worrying about learning something new, it’s always the same formula which they like and don’t care about money and reviews.

  • I got the last game at a big discount but mostly it’s just nice to have a run and gun game. Just blasting people let’s off some stress, and COD mechanics are at least somewhat decent. (Of course if I keep getting blasted I end up rage quitting.)

    In short, mindless time pass. Campaigns are also somewhat decent. Zombies mode was also quite fun.

    Past few years I have turned to Fortnite with friends but it’s been on and off, depends on how I like the season. The current OG season seems ok so far.

  • I am in no way, shape or form buying CoD this year… but, I do sometimes crave to play Team Deathmatch in a FPS in the most casual way possible. I don’t give a shit if I lose or if I end up a match having only 1 kill and having died 30 times. I only want to turn off my brain and play. But I despise Battle Royale, and, for that matter, any other mode that it’s not Team Deathmatch I get bored quite quickly.

    Problem is, so far I have only been successful in finding matches quickly in CoD. At any time of the day I find a match in a matter of seconds. I need to wait about two to five minutes to find a match in Halo (mind you, I live in Japan… so not only the time zone fucks me over, also the people available to play with). That’s pretty much it. CoD, as shitty as it is, satiates a craving that no other FPS currently can do just as fast.

  • cod is the best fps game out there, i have played a lot of fps games like bf, apex, valo, etc, but cod is cod. Been playing cod since i was in school, and the fact that in 20 yrs cod is still top 1 fps game is just crazy

  • OP has never heard of all the sports games that release every single year with what I can imagine the only change being the names of the players on the teams and the year on the cover lul.

    Yet people keep buying that too.

    In short, they find them fun, story mode ain’t bad either

  • No matter what discourse is happening on the internet, it signifies absolutely nothing about the real world.

    Casual gamers don’t have a single care in the world to look up information about things they enjoy, they just buy it and are either disappointed or pleased until the next thing in the series comes out.

    Accept that Call of Duty will always exist and appreciate that you have some common sense to look up if its good or not so you yourself don’t waste money, but stop caring about the series’ fate as a whole

  • One of my work buddies just picked up the new cod. This guy is in such bad financial state that his wage is being garnished to payoff past credit card debt but he still decided to buy this game.

  • Same reason people but Madden every year. I haven’t bought CoD in 6 years because I usually buy games on sale. These fucks sell their 4 year old games at original retail price so I won’t buy it out of principle

  • You want the truth? Cod is fun. Sitting around and shooting people is plain fun. And the guns feel right. You guys can whine and moan about battle passes and skins all you want. But that doesn’t actually matter because that’s not gameplay.

  • >And every year I hear so much buzz about how terrible the new COD is.

    The online COD community has been and always will be a vocal minority. The majority of COD players aren’t gonna go on Reddit or Twitter to bitch about it, they’d be busy playing the game. COD’s playerbase has a history of being overly toxic about the most trivial thing, so it doesn’t help either.

    That isn’t to say some games don’t deserve the criticism, but Reddit and other social media do not paint the full picture. This is especially clear when you see the trend of vocal displeasure among COD players. Think about how COD fans used to rage incessantly about futuristic “jet pack” games and scream “WE WANT BOOTS ON THE GROUND”. Now that we have that again, what’s the sentiment? “Oh these games aren’t innovating enough”. And don’t even get me started on the SBMM discourse, because that’s just a mine field full of crazy conspiracy tinfoil hat users.

  • Yeah, I genuinely don’t get it either. I used to buy the new games every year but stopped being a CoD player after the first Black Ops came out years ago, same for Battlefield 3.

    A lot of my friends are still big into them, so I stream their sessions when in a party just to be included, but every year it looks like the same exact game only with slightly better graphics and a (rare) new reskin.

    I know it can be fun especially if you work in a team, but 9/10 times, the sessions are just a bunch of randos doing their own thing and it devolves into the same mindless run and gun gameplay of kill, get killed, and respawn. There’s next to no strategy, team work, or so on. I really genuinely don’t get it, but people like it, so to each their own.

  • I think the core audience is so big compared to other games. Its like a state of mind in a sense. Like “gotta play CoD”, or some people JUST play FIFA. I dont think they think much about their next purchase, they might be annoyed but its out of the question.

  • People enjoy multiplayer. Here in ireland and I’d imagine a lot of Europe and SA there are FIFA and COD gamers.

    People always ask me what next gen console should they buy and I ask what are you gonna play? They tell me FIFA and COD so I say Series S which they almost find insulting.

    Okay, you drop 500 quid on a PS5 to play those two games on a 1080 display.

    But hey, each to their own of course! It’s a popular game and can be fun when you’re doing well. Not for me unfortunately, that or FIFA.

  • I think a lot of people who don’t play much videogames but happen to own a console still buy it too. Like I have friends who don’t play many singleplayer games but absolutely destroy me on cod still, even if I game more than them in general

  • Because you see the vocal minority. We make up like the 1% of people that are hardcore into gaming enough to spend more time talking about them than playing them. 99% of everyone else is working, going to school, and playing the game once in a blue moon. They have fun. It’s the only game they have for their console.

  • I honestly think most gamers really only buy a few games a year at most. Most gamers are pretty casual, same reason all the annual no real changes sports games keep selling. The people buying those only buy and play them, and not much else.

  • I’ve had my friend in-call tell me the campaign was really good albeit short, and the multiplayer, the movement especially being much better than 2. I’m not interested in the game myself since I didn’t get into it when I was a kid, so I get domed the second i come anywhere close to someone. Bad aim and all that.

  • They like it and most people and a lot of gamers don’t care about the things niche reddit/online groups care about. They don’t read reviews, they don’t follow social media, they just buy a game, download it and play. No need to go online to see what other people are saying. They just enjoy their game peacefully.

  • Because you’re hearing the loudest 1% of the most negative people on the planet. The game is fun to play. The next games offer some variety while retaining some familiarity. People like that. I like that. But I don’t go posting about how much I love COD. Some person who got destroyed in multiplayer is going to rage loudly about it, and that’s what you hear.

  • Reddit and Twitter represent like 5% of the gaming audience, if I’m being generous. Online sentiment is not real life.

    ONLINE, people kept telling me Netflix was dying because of their price hike and ban on account sharing. Is Netflix dead? lol, no.

    ONLINE, people kept telling me Disney was dead in the fucking water because of their remakes and “wokeness” (whatever the fuck that means nowadays). Is Disney going bankrupt? lol, no.

    Online sentiment is not real life. The people buying CoD games are not on this website. The people on this website, on this subreddit, can already be considered part of the hardcore gaming community. The people buying CoD games are not hardcore gamers. It’s called “demographics”. Our demographic is likely to be more interested in games like Alan Wake 2 or Jusant, the CASUAL demographic of gamers are the people buying CoD, buying NBA 2K, FIFA, Madden. Those people live in the real world and don’t give a shit about internal gaming politics and whatever bullshit. They see a game they like, their circle of friends like, they buy it.

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