The difference in Robert De Niro’s ears over the ears.
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The difference in Robert De Niro’s ears over the ears.
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You should see his balls.
The more movies and awards you get under your belt the longer your ears get. It’s called the Van Gogh principle.
Human ears and nose never stop growing.
All the better to hear if you’re talking to him.
Some animals get long in the tooth. Humans just get big in the ears.
Nobody tell the Qanon loonies. They always claim ear discrepancies are a clue that it’s a clone. Really.
And nose. Both can keep growing.
His mole has gotten bigger too!!! This dude is wacked!!!
I think the angle betrays the size.
Note the jaw line.
*De Nearo
It just shows how into the Bickle character he got – he changed his ears to look the part. Impressive method acting.
Look at the nose too. This is a precautionary tale.
Ears and nose continue grow. So they say.
not just him this is normal in men as you age your height goes down but your nose and ears get larger
Ears over the ears.
Your bones stop growing once you reach adulthood, but the cartilage in your nose and ears keeps growing your whole life.
This shit scares me
As a young man with an already huge pair of ears, I’m scared.
I guess I’ll grown into mine. My mom has always jokingly said I have mouse ears. Lol.
You should see Larry Long Balls…
Damn, I’m fucked
A lot of this is the different lens being used to take the picture. Left is a very large lens taken at a distance, right is a smaller lens taken from very close. The longer lens makes the entire profile a 2 dimensional plane, the entire face is in the depth of field. The lens on the right has a shallow depth of field and the focus plane about at the outside corner of his eye, that is why the hair sticking out over his ear is slightly out of focus and so is the tip of his nose. This also magnifies the things in the center of the image.
So, in addition to being larger because he aged 40ish years between pictures, the ears and jaw are being artificially magnified by the lens of the camera.

It got bigger.
Nose and ears grow all our lives (cartilage)
Ears don’t seem to stop growing.
Also noses.
Robert De Niro aged like a fine wine tho. Hence the volume of children I guess.
Fun fact; your ears and nose never stop growing. Jn contrary to your eyes which never grow, that’s why babies’ eyes look so big, because proportionally they are.
You identified genetic markers of Robert De Niro, specifically that he has the continued growth of Cartilage Tissues.
Not every person gets bigger ears, bigger nose, and bigger… other cartilage dense body parts as they age. It is uncommon in women for example so that it is almost certainly linked to X and Y chromosomes, with important X chromosome pruning of this growth pattern, so that XX will effectively prevent it.
It is expressed in varied degrees in a majority of men, with most having less to none of this sprouting.
But note also that the two profiles are not at scale. Bigger head exagerates the bigger ears, and a shorter focal length fisheyes the ears for more exageration. The younger De Niro is cropped taller to mask this with a taller cropping making it seem as large or larger.
Your ears and nose never stops growing
Fun fact, he is on the “[oldest fathers in the world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oldest_fathers)” list. Along with Al Pacino!
Actually, I don’t know if that is a “fun” fact as it is highly likely their kids will not grow up knowing their dad.
Getting old sucks.
Ears and nose are growing our whole lives
Gravity is a bitch.
Man, everything goes to shit. I’m scared.
Rebert De Ne-ear-o.
After getting more established as an actor he was just able to afford bigger ears
Already have big ears. Looking forword to having lobes like a Ferengi in the next 20 years.
OP just discovered aging.
The ears and nose never stop growing.