Ancient Roman statues weren’t white but were actually colorful, often garishly so
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Ancient Roman statues weren’t white but were actually colorful, often garishly so
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I am so accustomed to the displayed artifacts and ruins that this feels very gaudy
What about the renaissance?
Was David originally painted?
I wish I were garishly colorful 😔
Most interesting question this raises for me is if the armor the statue is representing was originally painted as brightly as the statue.
Wow, I never knew that.
I think the color makes them much more realistic. Obviously not literally realistic but that the Romans were clearly trying to make it as realistic as possible.
I’m trying to imagine the fact that most Romans would have never seen the emperor. The vast majority never even living in Rome. These “lifelike” statues were as close as they were ever going to get.
Same for greek statues and reliefs
Ac odyssey taught me this fact.
Are y’all trying your best to avoid talking about the nipple or are y’all just normal?
so they actually put nipples on his armor?
Biggest question: how do dey know? I’m guessing they found pictures.
Garish you say? Wait 2000 years and see what people are saying about you…
Those nipples are like the eyes of a chameleon
….and i thought batman’s nipple armor was bad
Wasn’t this true for greek art but not Roman?
I bet they were painted more nicely, whoever painted this looks like finger paint.
We may call it garishly. I think the people of the times may have a word with you….
The statues also had the eyes painted, rather than just being the blank stares that we see today.
Which is why I am always slightly amused when people point to neo-classical revival architecture as the standard for US government buildings. Hey, I am all for white marble in such quantities that I need sunglasses at night, but that isn’t exactly how the original buildings looked.
Statue of Liberty used to be bronze colored. Now’s she’s turquoise. Crazy what time does to old statues
I wish my armor had nipple holes 🙁
That’s why the eyes of statuses don’t have pupils. They were painted on.
Fulgrim would be proud
Did they paint a nipple on? That’s maximum garish.
All those figures look pretty white to me, no colored people at all.
Didn’t this piss off an absurd amount of right wingers when this was announced?
It’s really cool and I can only imagine the people who saw the original would be twice as impressed as me to see what it looks like now.
Figurine painters made a killing back then.
Same with Greek, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Parthian etc. When you come to the European renaissance people start making statues which aren’t painted because they’re copying 1000+ year old Greco-Roman statues which had lost their paint.
After visiting the Louvre once and seeing how many garish colours some of the paintings had, I am convinced half of the point of art back in the day was to communicate “look how many expensive paints I can afford!”…
Knowing the Italians, this really should not have come as a surprise.
Check out the frescoes from Pompeii. A lot of it still has colors!
I just wrote a four page essay about this scultpure
The phones are listening
Nipples in a breastplate. GRRM was right!
What did they make the blue coloring out of?
Lol, not at all surprised.
I recognize this historical fact…
… but given that I prefer the minimalist and pristine Vaporwave lool I have decided to ignore it
Learned this playing assassin’s Creed
The irony is that they look better without the paint.
Is it just me or are those nips way out to the side?
The equivalent of showing up to a raid with anime girls printed on your assault rifle.
Yet painting them now is frowned upon, trust me.