in the 1800s, pianist and composer, Franz Liszt, was worshiped like a rock star in what was dubbed “Lisztomania” 1858
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in the 1800s, pianist and composer, Franz Liszt, was worshiped like a rock star in what was dubbed “Lisztomania” 1858
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100% he could have headbanged with that hair so I believe this.
I believe it. Look at that hair!
It was the Beatle Mania of the day! Women were said to be driven into a manic sexual frenzy by his music. Conservatives of the time thought it was a genuine threat to virtue and social order. But to most people today it just sounds like, “Ya whatever, it’s just boring classical music.”
Didn’t know he was also this hot. No wonder then
Ohhhhh so that’s where that Phoenix song title comes from!
I’m imagining him looking into my eyes and saying “Your kiss is on my Liszt”
He used to show up for concerts like an hour late sometimes. The audience would be in a frenzy. Then, when he was finished, he’d “forget” his gloves on the piano lid. Women would get into literal fistfights over them. He had the goods, though. Greatest pianist who ever lived.
Ken Russell made a mind-boggling, surreal movie about Lizt and his cult of worshippers called Liztomania, with Roger Daltrey of the Who in the title role. It was . . . something
All the gentlemen had pianist envy
After concerts young women would tear strips of cloth off the piano stool he had sat on, and fight over the scraps. Much later in life he got old, had numerous warts grow on his face, took up holy orders and rejected his superstar past.
And then so was the band Phoenix for a short time in 2009, with their hit single, “Lisztomania”
He was later reincarnated as Laine Staley.
I love his music. If it wasn’t for Bugs Bunny, he introduced me to Liszt. The Hungarian Rhapsody, with Elmer Fudd.
He was really out there looking like Handsome Squidward
Like a riot, like a riot oh!’
Now I know the origin of the Phoenix song Lisztomania. Thank you
He Walked Hard.
Un sospiro. Gorgeous.
Handsome dude but clearly skipped leg day
So sentimental
He cute 🥰
Those luscious locks 🤩
Beethoven was no slouch either. As he finished a symphony, the crowd was going wild. He stood up, put his hand behind his ear and yelled “I can’t hear you!” The crowd roared. Twice as loud. Beethoven yelled, “no, seriously. I can’t hear you.”
I can see why
No wonder Phoenix wrote a song about this stud
This guy sexed
Looks hot as hell. I’d definitely show him my ankle.
And, when he passed away, it left his fans feeling… [whips off shades]
I firmly believe that some of these classical musicians were knee deep in whatever floated their boat.
I also believe that Beethoven dropped the hottest summer hit with *5th symphony*. I bet on those summer nights when he was playing that shit folks were ready to fuck.
Lisztopalooza ’58
And now he’s the QB for Jacksonville!
He’s actually responsible for the way grand pianos are oriented on stage, with the side profile view of the pianist. Before Liszt you wouldn’t be able to see the pianist’s face, but he turned the piano to show off his side profile for the ladies.
I heard that the trope of women throwing their undergarments at musicians has its origins in Liszt’s concerts, but I don’t know if it’s true
He had the look and the chops
My grandma had a bust of this dude for long as I can remember. Never knew who he was though.
Damn, didn’t realize Liszt was so damned handsome
Fun fact. Cockney rhyming slang for being drunk is ‘Brahms and Liszt’
Well, he made some awesome music too.
This is why love reddit … I learnt without even trying where the Phoenix song gets it’s name and undertone
That’s Crispin Glover, you can’t fool me😃
My grandparents, aunt, and mum immigrated from Hungary, and when I was little, they would play a lot of Liszt, and classical music in general. We would listen to the orchestral version of Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 a lot. (For those who haven’t heard, it starts off slow, and builds up to a big, joyous climax at the 7th minute.) When the climax came, one of my family would pick me and my siblings up and dance around with us. Very special song for me. ❤️