The Greatest Movie Scene of ALL TIME! — Cursed(2005)
The Greatest Movie Scene of ALL TIME! — Cursed(2005)
byu/GastropodSoup infunny
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The Greatest Movie Scene of ALL TIME! — Cursed(2005)
The Greatest Movie Scene of ALL TIME! — Cursed(2005)
byu/GastropodSoup infunny
View Reddit by GastropodSoup – View Source
Sorry. Close. https://youtu.be/Fxxj4I4_2Ek?si=SBTVldJJ2NbAgbXO
From the first look of it, I thought this was a Twilight parody movie, but this came out 4 years before Twilight.
This movie has exactly one good scene that lasts 30 seconds, the rest is hot garbage. In case you’re thinking about watching it, you have already seen everything good it has to offer.
Thats a big forehead right there
I completely forgot Christina Ricci was in this. But I know Judy Greer is.
Greatest movie scene of all time?
That’s a fivehead.
I can think of some movie scenes that are better than this one lol
It’s definitely A movie scene
You’d think that Wes Craven’s reputation would be enough to leave the guy’s picture alone but of course the studio jumped in and totally fucked his movie. Fuck the Weinsteins.
Said nobody except the OP. Lame post.
That’s one hell of a forehead.
Like you could ever know that Napoleon.
that was funny?
Peep the dome