Looks like the bear got spooked and was posturing, more than anything. The guard was treated for injuries (from tripping over the stool and falling on a hard surface?) and released, the bear was euthanized.
Gordon Ramsey: You call that a f—ing bear attack? You useless hairball! I wouldn’t trust you running a pond let alone a restaurant. Go back to the forest you f—ing half-wit!
That was not an offensive “attack” but a “defensive” action. If the attack had been offensive, the bear would have lunged at the guard lying on the ground. But it did not.
In this case, the bear only pushed away the perceived danger and then retreated.
You call that an attack?
Timothy Treadwell would like a word
Oh man, I’ve heard about this show. It’s on Hulu?
I think I saw a bear walk past, I’m gonna go get close so I can confirm. Oh sheeeit.
Glad it wasn’t worse.
Who left the door open (again)?
Bear Scares Latvias number on TV show…Bear Scares
True Life: I Was Shoved By a Bear
There was probably a better way to handle that.
Is that bear wearing a name tag? Maybe he just works there and is upset about something he found in the kitchen.
as the bear walks back it pees on the floor, and then as it attacks it slips in the puddle of pee. this probably could’ve been worse.
Damn! One swipe and the guy got knocked about 10 feet away with a torn shirt.
Now that’s what I thought The Bear was about
That bear shoved him and booked out of there.
nice clean kitchen tho.
Looks like the bear got spooked and was posturing, more than anything. The guard was treated for injuries (from tripping over the stool and falling on a hard surface?) and released, the bear was euthanized.
We see a huge bear in the kitchen, quick, follow it…
Should’ve worn his brown pants.
Bear had to talk to a manager because he’s food was unbearable and to grizzly for his taste
Why didn’t that guy wander in there clanging two pot/pan lids together like a symbals?
A lesson in what not to do when you in the presence of a bear
That bear has excellent taste. Aspen St Regis must be lovely this time of year.
That wasn’t a attack, that was a knockdown!
Gordon Ramsey: You call that a f—ing bear attack? You useless hairball! I wouldn’t trust you running a pond let alone a restaurant. Go back to the forest you f—ing half-wit!
Guess he couldn’t bear the sight of him?
I’m still waiting for the bear “attack”.
That was not an offensive “attack” but a “defensive” action. If the attack had been offensive, the bear would have lunged at the guard lying on the ground. But it did not.
In this case, the bear only pushed away the perceived danger and then retreated.
That was more bear self-defense than bear attack. I dunno what that guy was thinking.
The Overlook?
This week on Kitchen Nightmares. “You have a f%cking bear in your kitchen! A bear! He could have killed someone!”
Man. All these cameras are making it really difficult to masturbate in public without getting caught. I mean come on.
Wasn’t there a guy in a bear costume in a snowed in Hotel in the mountains?
Giving free bear jobs?
If that happened to me I woulda diarrhea’ed all over myself and kept sliding
That kitchen is spotless.
And movies have led me to believe that only woman fall on their faces when being chased. My World Order has been challenged.
That was the most awkward high-five I’ve ever seen. Also that dude was lucky as hell.
Both the bear and the man afterwards: “jeez, that was close”
Dude got thrown across the fking room, and it STOOD there.
Season 3 of The Bear is 🔥🔥🔥