Monday, March 17All That Matters

I’m a solo developer creating my dream game over the past 6 years. What do you think so far?


  • Here’s the story to my game “Mother Hub”, if you are interested:

    All humanity is diminished to a single vault. Hundreds of years have
    passed, so much time that no one really knows how old the Mother Hub is.
    Generations have been born and died, over and over again. Wars have
    been fought, technology has been created and lost. A dark age is upon
    us, one in which the scraps of humanity must hold together or be

    A mysterious illness has affected a large majority
    of the population, including your mother. As each day passed she becomes
    weaker. A glimmer of hope is shown to Thea of a potential cure
    developed in the distant past. That hope is shrouded in shadow, within
    the depths of “Dark Zone”; the unfinished horrifying sections of the
    lower Mother Hub that were never fully developed and remain as a
    skeleton holding secrets of the past.

    Descend and find out what
    happened to the Hub, figure out and master unique weaponry. Make choices
    and choose your own path, survive and save your mother, as well as all
    of humanity.

  • Honestly, for just 1 person, I wouldn’t care if the graphics were bad or the controls or anything, I would play this a million times and take in each little bit of detail

  • The game looks good. But the plot is a cliche that has been rehashed and redone in multiple different forms. The most common trope is a dying someone needing saving and then along the way of saving said person the protagonist becones a greater hero and at the end are faced with save person or a bunch of persons choice.

  • Great job man, looks very good. Since the action takes place in a vault i would make the environment a bit darker (through lighting), make the flashlight just a bit narrower and give it more power in order to create more contrast. Right now you barely notice that you have a flashlight on. Never underestimate lighting. Just my personal take.

  • Looks good on this short clip. Can’t say anything about the gameplay obviously, but the UI for the gun+ammo is pretty glaring compared to the dark feel of the environment.

    I’d prefer it without a window or less opaque.

    Hope that helps. Best of luck my dude

  • Honestly, I’ve seen the ad/preview for this game on the subreddit every 13-15ish days and while I don’t mind keeping an idea fresh I think it’s best to release a beta to people to get a real feeling for it. The game looks like an updated version of the ps1 classic alien trilogy which I love, and if you’re able to complete the game and send it to some of the bigger indie playing YouTubers you would sell copies like hotcakes. Advertising is everything, but over saturation can also play against you.

    Giving updates every 1-2 months keeps the idea fresh and will bring new people to the mix than using the same trailers bi-monthly. Focusing on utilizing strategies that other shooters use can be a solid choice, but the reason I did games become popular is their out of the box thinking ie fnaf/binding of Isaac/outlast.

    I really appreciate seeing your history of asking questions in the subreddits about how to best achieve specific effects such as fog to create better environments. It shows a deeper understanding and want to develop a quality product.

    Lastly I think if you are serious about releasing a final product that you should both advertise as well as set a soft date that you wouldn’t mind being pushed a month or two to let prospective players/buyers know so they can look forward to it, otherwise they think development has stalled ie timesplitters rewind.

    Great progress so far and I do hope that the game goes smoothly.

  • Visually it looks pretty awesome. Just a minor criticism, it is weird that the reticle doesn’t move but the weapon does. I would recommend reticle bloom similar to halo that expands during movement or firing. It’s super minor, but just looks weird to see the gun swinging around but the aim point is completely stationary.

  • It looks like a huge amount amount of work has gone into it, great work for a solo developer.

    Two comments:

    * I understand you are going for that ‘low light, dark, spooky’ kind of environment. You need to be careful not to wind up with too much grey – the screenshots with the mushroom type growths look great, some of the other hallways screens etc look a bit drab and grey. Are there any other environment types created yet? – this ‘greyness’ issue includes the creatures, in many of the clips/screenshots they had the same grey as the environment.
    * All the weapons need to feel satisfying to use and the right amount of detail. It might just be that you haven’t gotten back around to it, but the pistol that features in the clips needs some work, particularly: The model seems lower quality that the other weapons – it has what looks like a digital panel that is just blank – I would expect it to display something like an updating ammo count. The sound you use for that pistol just isn’t right either – it has a muzzle flash but sounds like a sad energy weapon? It breaks the suspension of disbelief for me.

    Perhaps you should show clips where the zombies/mutants/creatures are being dispatched with a weapon that is more visually interesting than that pistol.

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