Visiting my parents. It would seem they’ve become monsters in my absence.
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Visiting my parents. It would seem they’ve become monsters in my absence.
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This is the same at my mother’s. I don’t know how she does it
Not to mention the one ply toilet paper.
The inhumanity….
Putting the roll on the wrong way? Yep, they’re monsters.
Should be illegal because of fecal contamination danger.
I always switched my MILs TP around because I thought she put it on wrong. After 1 year of sporadic TP changing I realized that’s her thing and I had unwittingly become passive aggressive
Half ply toilet paper
The answer is simple: you have no mother and father.
Not anymore….
Next roll: sandpaper
My dad was actually complaining to me during the pandemic that he couldn’t find single ply anywhere and that he was stuck using two ply.
Your parents are barbarians living in the Dark Ages!
3 things you never skimp on. Bed, boots and toilet paper. Shame on them
Don’t shake your dads hand
You should have learned from them. You have betrayed your heritage.
Fuck Scott
Some people (women) roll off twenty sheets, and bunch them up. Other people (men) take two sheets and fold them. Sometimes some people (men) get upset with other people’s (women’s) overuse of TP and resort to cheaper, lower quality paper.
Those aren’t you’re parents, run.
Dwight Shrute approves
Oh dear. That puts fingers WAY too close to places they should not go.
Get them a bidet if they are really that concerned about the cost of tp. Life changer.
What you do is gift them enough high quality really nice toilet paper to last them months. They will eventually get used to it and never buy the cheap stuff again. They’ll be asking you where you got it! Once you have that nice soft triple layer shit, you’ll never go back to single sheet.
You guys need a bidet.
What ply is it? Yes
The ply in their own bathroom is godlike. They care not for mere mortals in their guest bathroom.
I confess: I buy the same 1-ply TP and I love it. Why, you ask?
1. You can fold it multiple times if you’re afraid it’ll pierce
2. No way in hell it’ll clog your toilet
3. It lasts forever if you know your butt
That roll shouldn’t last you more than three days
The good stuff probably comes out when you leave.
This is how my dad puts all rolls everywhere regardless of type or place
Your foster parents are dead John Connor
I have a bidet and we buy cheap 1 ply because we only use it for drying off and the “good stuff” gives you toilet paper dingleberries.
No they just don’t want you to stay long.
If they allow toddlers or cats in their house, that’s why.
No way, that looks like a fucking dryer sheet, besides being mounted backwards.
Ughh. Transparent toilet paper…. Threaded backwards.
They clearly don’t value cleanliness or comfort
Ah yes, fake internet outrage about toilet paper. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on whether hot dogs are sandwiches, pineapples belong on pizza, or if die hard is a Christmas movie
I used to buy nice toilet paper until I started getting back ups. I live in an older house, and the drain from my house to the main sewer got overrun with tree roots. The fancy paper was getting caught on it and causing backups. I switched to super thin, one ply, was able to buy a considerable amount of time so I could save up and get ready for the expensive sewer job that was staring me down. I never went back to the fancy stuff, didn’t miss it at all.
That looks like the stuff they would give you in prison. I would always buy my own off of commissary which was alot better and it would always blow my mind that 99 percent of people in there refused to “waste” money on toilet paper even though it was like 1.38$ or something per roll and it was sooooo worth it. Then These same guys would blow 200 dollars on all manner of unhealthy foods like iced honey buns and shit just so they wouldnt have to eat the food in the chow hall.
Not only is the toilet paper objectively the wrong way around. it’s thinner than my hair.
The devil’s way 
You know people are packing that thin stuff into a nice thick pile. Maybe 20, 30 ply. Scott disintegrates fast in water.
Backwards rolled and single ply and scratch looking. Now you know what to get them for Christmas.
Thin toilet paper **and** they put it on the _wrong way_…
So sorry for your loss 😥