My sister brought me back this gift from a business trip to China….should I be worried?
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My sister brought me back this gift from a business trip to China….should I be worried?
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Thanks…I hate it.
It’s not TECHNICALLY a spying device if it plainly shows you that it transmits WiFi from its eyeballs.
why? it’s cute!
Winnie the poohs in ur home 🐱
Oh the wifi chicken? Naw that’s perfectly fine, it’s the USB rubber ducky you gotta look out for.
Wow, are you getting 10G on that thing? Looks like your reception is just fine.
Thank You for calling tech support.
Microwave it for 3 seconds
If you work at the state department, absofuckinglutely
That’s a hate gift if I’ve ever seen one.
A chicken furby that has something to do with wifi. What could go wrong 😅
***laughs in Chinese government surveillance***
Oh yea that’s got to go …
Don’t get wet and don’t feed after midnight.
It’s fine if you don’t go to sleep…
Pop that thing in the microwave for 10 seconds just to be sure. No RF chipset will survive that.
Anything that connects is a possible threat. I was listening to someone speak about Wi-Fi vacuums made in China and how they breach ppls info.
Nah should be fine, once it has been doused in fuel, set on fire and had the ashes pulverised. Or maybe just don’t take it to work at the Pentagon.
Adorable surveillance!
Put little jeans on it and you have a denim chicken.
Likely a joke gift, but if it bothers you accept it, say thanks and then tuck it away into a closet where it can do no harm or even toss it.
Well if someone wants to spy, they won’t plaster the “spy spy device” all over the toy 🙂 it’s not like you will speak up your password and it will hear it and connect to your wifi and send your data back to some server. (It might but will depend on how high profile a person you are 🙂
I am curious about the design choice though hahaha but I don’t think it’s suspicious.
Hey you can always crack it open for your satisfaction
It’s cute
That’s just the symbolfor the built-in WiFi. Eyes are on the back.
This belongs on r/birdsarenotreal
Mr. Chew, does TikTok access the home WiFi network?
Don’t worry, is the far cousin of the Gremlins. They don’t multiply upon water, they only do when they watch bootleg DVD or pirate streaming so my advice is to avoid those.
The Chinese spy balloons were going to drop Wi-Fi chickens all over the playgrounds of the US…they had to be shot down.
give it to me, I’ll stip tease for the spies
Spy furby. Bin it asap.
Activated by your mum’s maiden name, and the name of your first pet.
It’s a W-eye-Fi device.
It’d be a bargain to get a wireless surveillance device for the price of a stuffed animal
It watches ….and waits
It’s a WiFi Cockspot.
Does your phone ask if you want to connect to wifi hotspot “spy chicken” ??
Pop it in the microwave for a minute, then it will be safe
I wouldn’t be concerned. You should be able to discuss all of your government secret openly.
Congrats! You will now have extra Citizen Score everytime you praise the Chinese government
Not as long as you spend half and hour a day talking about how wonderful Deng was.
SpyChickn ™️ now available on Ali Express. 🎶 I always feel like somebody’s watching me… 🎶
Double eye-fi
Judging by its eyes, I think it’s connected to WiFi. So, be afraid. Be very afraid.
Play the “Chinese National Anthem” and see if it responds. :p
Nothing 30 seconds in a microwave wouldn’t fix.