Saturday, February 22All That Matters

MGS3 Remake looks promising ! Hope Konami won’t screw it up the way they just did mgs 1 collection on steam…


MGS3 Remake looks promising ! Hope Konami won’t screw it up the way they just did mgs 1 collection on steam…


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  • Graphics look great and I appreciate the ground up remake…but I am VERY concerned that the gameplay will remain unchanged. A direct remake is going to be SEVERELY dated from a gameplay perspective. I am hoping for more of a “reimagining” of the original, that adds some of the open world features of Phantom Pain, in order to bring the game into the next gen. Sadly, I imagine they were too lazy to do this and/or afraid of the losers who want everything to remain exactly the same.

  • Graphic and play looks nice, it is pre-alpha but high hopes can lead to down fall. That’s what happened to AC6 community, they split eventhough both sides had a point

  • I’m very concerned with them showing it as an in-engine look. To me it states that they want to distance themselves from the expectations that the final product will be of the same quality.

    I know, I know, it doesn’t necessarily mean that, in-engine can just mean that there aren’t render targets set in stone for all hardware and the video shows art-direction and overall look and feel of the game.

    But, knowing what modern Konami is, I strongly suspect that development has been heavily outsourced to cut costs and perhaps it’s at a dumpster-fire stage not fit for any kind of real gameplay demonstration. Thus, this video.

    Maybe I’m too paranoid about this whole thing. I dunno, I guess I’m just being very cautious with modern Konami and their promises, even though on announcement I was really hyped.

  • Considering they’re just reusing MGS5 animations and the original voice lines from Snake Eater it’s looking pretty lazy to me already. There’s a reason Konami stopped making AAA games for a while, it’s because they’re extremely cheap and want to make the most amount of money for the least amount of effort.

    I have no confidence in Konami doing anything correctly. Best thing that can happen is them folding and Kojima ending up with the rights to Metal Gear.

  • I really enjoyed playing MGS3, had a lot of great value out of that game.
    This version looks visually stunning.

    That being said, I don’t really have a desire to play this. I feel like it’s in that hollywood loop of just rehashing some old projects to bring in money based on name recognition.

    I’m sure this will do fine commercially but I really wish a lot of the games industry that is currently looking back would instead look forward to create new things that we just couldn’t do in the past.

    There are plenty of creative people out there who will make some excellent games if given the chance, you don’t need to ride the coattails of Kojima, you can find the next Kojima – They are out there somewhere.

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