Squadron 42 (Star Citizen singleplayer campaign) is now feature-complete!
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Squadron 42 (Star Citizen singleplayer campaign) is now feature-complete!
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It looks siiiccckk
The greatest Con of all time!
Shit writing in this and nothing but broken promises from CIG. Got me once,
won’t get me again!
Will this be an open-world type of game?
Holy shit? I thought I got robbed.
Will this come out before January 1st 2025? My guess is no.
If this actually gets released and ends up being good, I’ll gladly celebrate it.
But when they say, ‘And all we have left is polish’, my mind immediately goes to, ‘Oh, see you in 10 years I guess’.
Edit: Watching this whole thing again, this sounds a lot like they just said, ‘We are out of Preprod and moving into production’. If that is indeed true, then this is still several years away.
Why does armed combat in the far future look exactly like armed combat now? We have starships but still aim with little red dots?
6, 7, 800 million….and this is the result? SC retains the crown of most disappointing scam of all time
It’s laughable at this point. This trailer might have been slightly above average around 4 years ago
I’ll wait until it actually releases and gets decent reviews to give a shit.
Elder Scrolls 6 will launch before this game.
Say what you want, as someone who never gave money to them, i would be happy to buy it when it releases, if it looks anything like what they showing here, after waiting for some reviews
Because genuinely, this footage looks awesome
Yo how many celebrities does this game want tho?
As long as there no fucking loading screen when i get up from my chair i’ll be happy
What does feature complete even mean?
Sure OP sure
Those facial animations looked really impressive eleven years ago.
The art, VO, sound design, setting, etc all look great.
It’s just such a shame that all of that is let down by uninspired, lackluster gameplay. The FPS and ship combat, which I assume make up a lot of the game, looked generic.
Anyone else feel like all this time and money has been spent on the wrong medium? Just make a movie or TV show.
“Comin~~g~~ ~~2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2030, 2046, 2234, 2459~~, Beta Release 2605!
Riiight. It’ll be interesting to see if they allow these guys to finish the game from prison.
Feature complete, yes but they haven’t run it through QA yet so it will be another 10years and 100million to fix the bugs.
The game is quite ambitious but from the very few minutes of it I played and the even longer time it took me to create the account and get logged in, I wasn’t even able to get out the room you started in. It was clunky and the controls were awful. If they have to polish this thing and get it optimized so we don’t need a NASA super computer to run it .. it’ll be another 10 years.
Scam Citizen. This whole thing is a debacle and now people are celebrating more lies from a conman. A game gets moved forward in some bullshit development status and people lose their minds like it’s actually going to come out in a reasonable timeframe. They straight up lied to the kickstarter and original crowdfunding backers, thank God I only got scammed out of the bare minimum to try out the broken as hell arena commander back in the day.
* January 2015 – Squadron 42 first episode announced as being released by Autumn.
* October 2015 – ‘Squadron 42 will be released for play in 2016’
* December 2018 – “We’re looking to 2020 release Squadron in Q3 or Q4” “We’re currently around 16-18 months away”
* December 2018 community letter – “Squadron 42 is planned to be feature and content complete by the end of 2019 with the first 6 months of 2020 for alpha and then beta polishing”
Grains of salt.
A scam videogame. Trust me, don’t invest your money or time in this. There are way more completed experiences in this life.
The lead tester at the company said it was complete and playable all the way through. Oh that was back in 2016
I just hate when company rush their releases………………..
I would love for this game to be great, I put $80 into it back 8 years ago or so… I tested every year only to be disappointed. I’m not waisting any more effort until it’s officially out. Hopefully I’m still around.
Surely we’ve learned by now not to get our hopes up.
I will never give these scammers a dime.
I can’t believe these people haven’t been sued into poverty by now
Thank you sir lol
Yo hasn’t this game been “feature complete” like 5 times now? I wonder if they are running out of money so they are just trying to sucker in a new generation
I started my Journey 2014-04-11, it’s been 9 years. I remember when it said you’d need a Geforce 680 when I had a 580 at the time and marveled how much power we would need to run it.
But still runs like FUCKING SHIT!
Yeeeesh that spaceship combat looks pretty unengaging. Every scene featured in the trailer is the player completely stopping their momentum and aiming at a moving ship zipping by them missing 90% of their shots.
devs need to shut the fuck up
I will believe it when i actually see a release. until then I don’t believe anything coming from this company they have been saying the release is right around the corner for years now.
I got my first ship around ten years ago. Tried it multiple times, but I never even could deliver a package without it falling through my ships floor. So I stopped having hope for SC at all.
That trailer looks really good though. If they can get it released before I’m dead and I upgraded my computer, I will give it a shot.
Wow. The salt-lords are really out in force.
The recent trailer looks amazing, and the state of the game looks like a top level experience. Yeah, it’s late. We know. Everything else is just whining by salty edge-lords.
Go ahead down vote. Suckers. I certainly hope none of you will be playing the game when it releases, as you’ve already decided it’s “fake” and a “scam”.
Sure it is. 🙄
Well downvote me and tell me to have more copium, but I’m actually pretty excited about this! Seriously there is so much salt in this thread it gave me a heart murmur.
As a 2015 backer, I’m utterly disappointed at the lack of a release date given at citcon
They also said SQ42 was “playable from start to finish” like half a decade ago. It’s also had tentative release dates of almost every year since 2014.
You’ll forgive me if I don’t exactly have a lot of faith that they’re saying it again here.
Keep in mind for those not super familiar with it.
Squad 42 is a spinoff module of Star Citizen: a small single player focused piece tacked onto what is supposed to be what Eve and Elite want to be when they grow up. A full sized space sim MMO featuring a staggering amount of content and features. Only it’s spent something like a decade in early alpha and got enough kickstarter funding to buy a small third world country.
How did it get that much funding? Well by millions of dedicated 1-5 dollar pocket change do…..hahaha I can’t even finish that. They sell in game spacecraft for real money, with packages from $20 US to well over several thousand dollars USD. At one point they had one package that was “literally get every ship we ever make, before anyone else gets it, and a ton of rare parts and equipment to boot.” The cost was either 12,000 or 20,000, I forget which. More than one person allegedly has bought these.
Did I mention it (edit: Star Citizen not Sq42, to be accurate) is supposed to have open world PVP when it comes out? And you can buy capital ships when others are floating around what amounts to a seat with an engine and little else?
And again: this game has been in development for over a decade and still as far as I know isn’t out of alpha; they might have moved to beta recently. I freely admit I stopped paying attention years ago. a large part of the delay has been them slapping more and more ridiculous features like character models rigged to your facial expressions in real time, etc.
In short: It’s vaporware that’s never coming out backed by wealthy idiots that will likely be a buggy mess if it ever does come out and likely be swarmed with P2Win ganking.
But if the side modules every pay off maybe those will be worth playing? Maybe?