1967 – My wife as a newborn. In hospital with my beautiful mother in law. Note the smokes on the side table/ Yes, you could smoke – as a patient – in hospital
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1967 – My wife as a newborn. In hospital with my beautiful mother in law. Note the smokes on the side table/ Yes, you could smoke – as a patient – in hospital
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There is a picture somewhere of my mother breastfeeding me with a smoke hanging out the side of her mouth.
Colored/Enhanced/Color corrected All dust and scratches removed
We had a head nurse in Coronary Care who had her own office, where she chained smoked all day. When the door opened, the smoke poured out. One of the Cardiologists used to bum cigarettes off her (he’d “quit.”). This lasted until the early 90s, when she retired.
Smoking while pregnant was also fine.
That’s a fine picture.
Born in 67 as well. My mom would quit smoking when she was pregnant, then restart about a year after. Always said the twilight sleep delivery was great, probably extra glad with me 9lbs-10oz. Finally quit smoking in the late 80s, but lung cancer still got her in 2015.
Cigarettes were a lot different back then
There’s a picture of me, also born in 1967, coming home from the hospital where I’m laying in my mom’s lap in the passenger seat of my dad’s Mustang. No car seat, no seat belt.
Nursing ciggies : lactonicotion
Well sure you could. A lot of doctors did- some while they examined you.
You could smoke anywhere that wasn’t explosive or flammable.
So much hair on that baby!!
We were just talking about all the smoking at my Beauty school~ all the ladies under the dryer with an ashtray in the arm rest ~ it was so smoky in that room u couldn’t tell your client from another ~ & I knew some guy who would smoke while cutting hair! Crazy
Man, that’s awful early to start smoking.
My mom smoked while pregnant and I turned out mostly ok.
Good times 😂
Twilight birth?
Beautiful 🤩
1990 birth of my first child the smoking room was at the end of the hall of each floor… after I had him and recovered a bit they wheeled me in there with a glass of champagne and I could light up with some other mothers.
1986 we could smoke in the room. Was in hospital for some minor procedure and was in a shared smoking room.
Might just be me, but your wife isn’t very attractive.
Hospitals in BC are allowing drug addicts to smoke pot and consume alcohol in the hospitals now. They provide the alcohol, not sure if the patients have to supply their own drugs, but in this country, probably not. Canada is in the hand basket on the way to hell…