Help me one pierogi, you’re my only hope
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Help me one pierogi, you’re my only hope
View Reddit by serverlessmom – View Source
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I’m taking the bucket.
According to the sign as an adult I’m entitled to the whole thing
Hey serverlessmom, those pierogis look amazing! Unfortunately, I can’t help you eat them, but I can definitely drool over the picture with you. Enjoy!
You messed up the title.
*Help me only one perogi. You’re my only hope.*
Only should be in the title. Otherwise you’re saying ‘help me -Wan Kenobi’
I heard ohio was famous for these, I live here and never had one
Lol they tried to let sugar and art go hand and hand. If that helps
I just died with laughter hahaha.
Mmmmmmm perogi. My babcia used to make these…I miss her cooking terribly.
One pieróg, many pierogi. Yes, I’m that assPole
pierogi is plural, pieróg is singular. grammar peeps
Eat two while making direct eye contact into The Ring doorbell
Heck, I am all for some Pierogi, especially if you’re great at making them. But for the love of god, put them in bags, and hand them out individually! The horror at the thought of hundreds of children pushing their dirty hands into the bucket, grabbing each piece until they find the best, etc… Blah. Bleach, I need bleach!
Loose, unwrapped, in a bucket.
Good thing I’m an adult then. Those pierogi are coming home with me.
Who the fuck would allow their child to eat those?
Atleast put a lid on that or something
I want to live there
i identify myself as 2 children, can i have 2 pierogi?
🇵🇱 ! Let’s fucking gooooo!
This is my girlfriend’s business!! They’re small but growing fast! They have a pierogi finder (and yes the bucket is a joke)
OP please make sure to give photo credits to my friend who took this picture and made this post @jajupierogi!
“Describe Pittsburgh in one picture”
Пьероги, мля
Better than raisins.
Nah, this is unfair. Who, in their right mind, can only eat one pierogi? That’s ridiculous. It’s a minimum of 10 for most people.
Does Dwight Schrute live here?
next door better have the sour creme
Which one has the accidental drugs in them?