Aliens should probably re-think any Earth invasion plans that start with the U.S.
Aliens should probably re-think any Earth invasion plans that start with the U.S.
byu/MulciberTenebras infunny
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Holy shit a wild Critters meme appears. Holy shit I am old now.
This scene cracked me up
High risk, high reward. If you can successfully conquer the US and quell any resistance, then you have the worlds most power arsenal and production capability at your fingertips.
Is this the one with leonardo dicaprio?
I think everybody has daydreamed a scenario like this, I know I have. Nevermind the fact that they’d just drop rocks, and/or nukes from orbit.
Critters is streaming on HBO Max. I highly recommend it.
is this the one where later they put 2 double barrels side by side and saw them off at an angle?
God I love these movies, at least the first 4. Just great, great movies. Really wish the 5th was even remotely fun, but it was pretty lame. Never saw the tv show, but I doubt it’s worth it.
Aliens wouldn’t need to invade the US, they’d just stay safely in orbit while the Americans shoot each other and themselves
One of my favorite movie scenes
I love the movies!
Hell yeah, Critters was the tits.
Lmao, I just watched this two weeks ago
Critters, man that takes me back.
Don’t forget the British
Reference- attack the block
For the longest time I remembered being scared of a movie where some creatures rolled and killed people. I was too young to understand the type of dark humour the movie had and for a long time I had nightmares. I didn’t even watch the whole movie, just saw like 10minutes of it. It took me 2 decades to find out it was Critters.
Watched this as a kid. So much fun.
Man I loved these movies.
Damn that must have hurt the puppeteer’s hand!!
Retitle video: Aliens that require human hands up their ass should rethink .. blah blah blah
Somebody else watched the Pastra vid, eh?