In honor of Spooktober here’s My Halloween costume from 1995. Guess what my favorite movie was/still is?
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In honor of Spooktober here’s My Halloween costume from 1995. Guess what my favorite movie was/still is?
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My little ponny. I’ve never been more sure about a thing in my life.
I like turtles?
Did it include a park?
Snow white
Tammy & the T-Rex
Snow White and the 7 Snacks.
Howard the Duck
Land before time?
Mario Bros?
We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story?
Clever girl!
All I can hear is the Jurassic park theme music while looking at this and praying you’ll devour Snow White. Now thats a movie I’d watch!
Billy and the cloneasaurus
Star Trek
That’s a killer costume. Now that I’m a parent…I can tell you that the first thing I think of when I see something like that is how much your mom, dad, grandparents etc love you. Call them and tell them thanks 😀
Snow White?
Theodore Rex
Cool raptor boots
Boogie Nights
Snow white
Love the Choccy chip desert storm camo used
The one where Samuel L Jackson got eaten by a motherfuckin dino?
Clever girl…
Is that not Dinobot from Transformers Beast Wars
I have a friend who splurged on a ridiculously expensive T-Rex costume for her son when he was going through his major dinosaur phase, and when it came he was too afraid of it to wear it, lol. You’re def more badass than that kid.
The velocipastor wasn’t a thing yet so I’ll go with Jurassic Park.
The Raptor that ate Snow White?
The Lizard of Oz.
Theodore Rex?
Denver the last dinosaur
Snow White vs Predator? 🤷🏻
Barney the Dinosaur
Die hard?
Why are dress shirts standard fare for the workplace instead of this? I’d take shit much more seriously if I could wear this to work. Imagine you call a plumber and this guy shows up. World would be a better place.
Are you wearing six colored DBDU camouflage? Affectionately known as chocolate chips? That’s awesome 👍🏻
I know what your favorite show was
Rare to see a photo from Halloween of 95 without a single Power Ranger in frame.
Based on this image there are three possible options: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Batman Returns, and La Règle du jeu.